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الأهمية الجيوسياسية للباديه الغربية من العراق وأبعاد الفراغ السكاني فيها


سعدون شــلال 1 ، زيــد عـلي2

1-   جامعة الكوفة – كلية التربية للبنات

2-جامعة بابل



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Importance of political geography of the western desert of Iraq and its demographic space


Sadoan Shallal1 and Zid Ali2

1-      Koufa University, Faculty of Education, Iraq

2-      Babel University, Iraq



State    Political geography is interested in studying the natural and human geographical components and to show their influence on the strength of State since there is a strong relation between extensive strength of the State and its geographical components, these components would reflect in one way or another over all economic , political , military and psychological elements of State strength . So , this study which was done in 2009 came to shed the light upon geographical components of western desert of Iraq and its effect in State's strength. the western desert astronomically occurs between two width circles ْ29.4 – ْ34.6 to north and between length lines ْ38. 49 – ْ47. 55 to east and it takes an important part and an indicator in Iraqi State body . Its area is about 177473 km. squar about 40 % of Iraqi total area and near four Arabic countries of Iraq which are Syria , Jordan , Saudi Arabia  and Kuwait besides its importance on geopolitical .The study focused mainly on demographic pace , the region is hardly empty from population and general population density is low as two individuals /km. square and it so low as compared with general density all over Iraq which reaches to 67 individuals / km. square . It has negative effects on political , economic and military cases inside the State.            

            The main problem that the study has dealt with is the question between geographical components of the study region especially demographic space and strength of the State.

            The hypothesis came negatively , the demographic space reflects negatively on strength of State .The researcher depended on text of strength analysis and historical text in political geography.

            The study included five chapters :-

1-            Chapter one includes the theoretical frame of the study that includes the study problem , study hypothesis , study limitations , study curriculum , study importance , previous studies and study structure and it also includes terms and concepts related to the subject of the study .

2-            Chapter two includes natural components of western desert which is the geographical site , geological structure , relief , climate , water resources , natural plant.

3-            Chapter three has dealt with demographic components of western desert , population size and their growth , geographical distribution of population , age component , quality component , geographical distribution for rural and civilian population.

4-            Chapter four includes the study of economic components of western desert and to compare it with natural abilities that the region is full of , it includes pastoral economy , agricultural activity , mineral resource , industrial activity , means of transport.

5-            Chapter five came to shed the light upon geopolitics of western desert and dimensions of demographic space in it from military , security , economic and political cases.

    Moreover, the study included conclusions and recommendations that brief what the study reached to .

              The researcher knows that it is unable to reach perfect in the research although others try to do so , therefore , some mistakes might be occurred and we wish they would not be much.




منتدى العلماء العرب

منتدى العلماء العرب Forum for FAS منتدى العلماء العرب تجمع عربى للعلماء العرب من داخل وخارج الوطن العربى ولايهدف الى تحقيق الربح وقد تأسس بناء على توصيات المؤتمرات الدولية التى نظمتها الجمعية الاكاديمية المصرية لتنمية البيئة منذ 2002 وحتى تأسيس المنتدى والاعلان عنه عام 2012م . وقد تأسس المنتدى بغرض: »


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