Tarik Abdel-Halim Mohamed 




Personal Data:


Name                :     Tarik Abdel-Halim Mohamed


Position            :     Researcher


Date of Birth   :      21/1/1983


Nationality       :      Egyptian




Curent Position:


Researcher in Phytochemistry Department, Pharmaceutical and Drugs Industries


Division, National Research Centre, El-Tahrir St., Dokki, Giza, 12311, Egypt.


Contact Address:


Dr. Tarik A. Mohamed


Phytochemistry Department, Pharmaceutical and Drugs Industries Division, National Research Centre, El-Tahrir St., Dokki, Giza, 12311, Egypt

E-mail:    [email protected]


Mobil: (+20)01127539989


Professional Experiences (Employment History):




2003-2007              M. Sc Fellowship in Faculty of Science, Minia University (El-Minia, Egypt).


2007-2010             Chemist in Faculty of Pharmacy, Minia University (El-Minia, Egypt)


2010-2013              Research Assistant in Phytochemistry Dept., National research Center (Giza, Egypt).

2014- Till now       Researcher in Phytochemistry Dept., National Research Center (Giza, Egypt)

Education and Academic Qualification: Ph. D

2010-2013        Ph.D. degree in Natural Product Chemistry, Chemistry Department Faculty of Science, Minia University, El-Minia, Egypt and Phytochemistry Department, Pharmaceutical and Drugs Industries Division, National Research Centre, El- Tahrir St., Dokki,  Giza, 12311, Egypt.

Title:                     "Isolation and Identification of Bioactive Constituents from Egyptian Marine


Soft Corals".


M. Sc.


2003-2007        M. Sc. degree in Natural Product Chemistry, Chemistry Department Faculty of Science, Minia University, El-Minia, Egypt.

Title:                       " Terpenoid Constituents of Ferula vesceritensis ".


B. Sc.


1999-2003         B.Sc. Degree in Chemistry (Very Good With Honor), from the Department of


Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt.


Research Interest:



I- Natural Products and Phytochemistry.


Ø  Chemical Constituents of Medicinal Plants and Marine Organisms.


Ø  Extraction, Isolation and Purification of Natural Bioactive Compounds: Essential


Oils, Terpenoids, Flavonoids, and other Phenolic and Aromatic Compounds.


Ø  Modern   Chromatographic   Techniques:   HPLC   and   other   Chromatographic Methods: Paper Chromatography (PC), Column Chromatography (CC) and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC).

Ø  Structural   Elucidation   of   Natural   Products   by   Modern   Techniques   of


Spectroscopic Analysis, MS, HRMS, 1D and 2D NMR and X-ray analysis.


II- Biochemistry:


Ø  Biological Activities of Natural Products against different common diseases.


Ø  Tissue Culture and Biotransformation.


General Activites:


I. Membership:


1-  International Congress and Annual Meeting of The Society for Medicinal Plant

Research (GA).

II.  Reviewer for Journal:


<!--Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature.


<!--Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants.

<!--Phytochemistry letters





1-  Has fully attended “The Third Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Natural


Products from BioTechnology to NanoMedicine” Cairo-Egypt, 4-6 January 2014.


2- Chemical Safety and Security workshop with Sandia National Laboratories, from


7-11  December 2014.

3- Has poster "5th International Conference of the Division of Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries (5th ICDPDI) at the National Research Centre in Cairo has the pleasure to welcome you in Cairo on March 23 -25, 2015".



and Experiences






























1- Nuclear magnetic Resonance in the period from 27-31/5/2012.


2- Successful Completion Of Training Course on Agilent HPLC1260 from


Agitech Arabian Group for Integrated Technologies.


3- Certeficies in Information and Communication Technology Projects (ICTP) from Minia University.


4- The advancement of the program at the National Center for Research to obtain the ISO Certificate (General Coordinator of the Division of Pharmaceutical Industries to get the ISO certificate).

منسق العام لشعبة الصناعات الصيدلية للحصول علي شهادة الايزو

5- General Coordinator of the Division of Pharmaceutical Industries for Plagiarism (Ithenticate).

منسق عام شعبة الصناعات الصيدلية لبرنامج الاقتباس العلمي





<!--A membership in a project from Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) entitle with “Development of Natural Products as Potential Sources of Lead Compounds for Fatty Liver”.

<!--A membership in a project from Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) entitle with "Naturally Cancer Chemopreventive agents from Marine Soft Corals: Isolation, Identification, and Production using Biotransformation in Cultured Plant Cells".

<!--A membership in a project from Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) entitle with "The Egyptian Encyclopedia of the Wild Medicinal Plants"


<!--A membership in a project from Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) entitle with "Cultivation, post-Harvest processing and marketing support of Egyptian medicinal plants"


<!--A membership in a project from Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) entitle with "perfecting inventory, utilization and development of wild plants in south eastern region of Egypt".


<!--COPI in a project from National research Centre entitle with " Sinai Wild Plants: A Forthcoming Nominee to be deeply examined to Improve Chemotherapy via Multi-Drug Resistant Inhibition and Enhance Cancer Prevention".


<!--A membership in a project from National research Centre entitle with " conservation ans genetic enhancement of Cyperus esculentus tubers"




Scientific Mission:


<!--Scientific Mission in Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Kyoto, Japan from 1/4/2016 until 31/5/2016.


<!--Misr El-Kheir Foundation Award for the best scientific paper published in an international magazine for the year 2012-2013.

<!--Best poster award at the 6th pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical industries conference (research and development in the pharmaceutical industry in line with the goals of sustainable development Egypt 2030).




List of Publication:


<!--Ahmed A. Ahmed, Mohamed_Elamir F. Hegazy, Amar Zellagui, Salah Rhouati, Tarik A. Mohamed, Mohamed A. Abdella and T. Hirata, Ferulsinaic acid, a Sesquiterpene Coumarin with a rare carbon skeleton, and other Sesquiterpene Coumarins from two Ferula species. Phytochemistry, 2007, 68, 680-686.

<!--Abdel_Rahim, Elham, F. M., Ahmed, E. M., Ahmed, A. A.,  Mohamed, T. A., Toxic and Latent effect of three Isolated Botanicals on the Egyption Cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis  (BOISD). Noctuidae: Lepidoptera. Journal  of Natural research center in Cairo, 2008.

<!--Noureddine  Gherraf,  Amar  Zellagui,  Naglla  S.  Mohamed,  Taha  A.  Hussien, Tarik A. Mohamed, Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy, Salah Rhouati, Mahmoud F. M. Moustafa, Magdi A. El-Sayed, Abu El-Hamd H. Mohamed, Triterpenes from Euphorbia Rigida. Pharmacognosy Research, 2010, 2, 159-162.

<!--Amar  Zellagui,  Noureddine  Gherraf,  Mohamed-Elamir  F.  Hegazy,   Tarik  A. Mohamed,  Abou  El-Hamd  H.  Mohamed,  Ahmed  Touil,  Salah  Rhouati, Chemical Constituents of Algerian Foeniculum Vulgare aerial parts and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity, Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 2011, 56(3), 759-763.

<!--Victor  Kuete,  Benjamin  Wiench,   Mohamed-Elamir  F.  Hegazy,    Tarik   A. Mohamed,    Aimé G. Fankam, Abdelaaty A. Shahat, Thomas Efferth, Antibacterial Activity and Cytotoxicity of Selected Egyptian Medicinal Plants, Planta medica, 2012, 78, 193-199.

<!--Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy, Amira M. Gamal Eldeen, Abdelaaty A. Shahat, Fathy F. Abdel-latif,  Tarik A. Mohamed, Bruce R. Whittlesey, Paul W. Paré, Rare Hydroperoxyl Cembranolides from the Red Sea Soft Coral Sarcophyton glaucum. Marine drugs, 2012, 10, 209-222.

<!--Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy, Tarik A. Mohamed, Fathy F. Abdel-latif, Mansour S. Alsaid, Abdelaaty A. Shahat, Paul W. Paré, Rare Trochelioid A and B, new Cembranoid diterpenes    from    the    Red    Sea    soft    coral    Sarcophyton trocheliophorum. Phytochemistry Letters, 2013, 6, 383–386.

<!--Mohamed-Elamir  F.  Hegazy,  Wafaa  A.  Tawfik,  Emad  E.  Hassan,   Tarik  A. Mohamed, Hassan A. Albar, Abdessamad Debbab, Sesquiterpene Acid Derivatives from Tarchonanthus camphoratus. Res J Pharm Biol Chem Sci. 2015, 6(1), 659.

<!-- Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy, Ahmed R. Hamed, Tarik A. Mohamed, Abdessamad Debbab, Seikou Nakamura, Hisashi Matsuda and Paul W. Pare. Anti-Inflammatory Sesquiterpenes from the Medicinal Herb Tanacetum sinaicum. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 44895-44901.

<!--Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy, Abeer Y. Ibrahim, Tarik A. Mohamed, Abdelaaty A. Shahat, Ali M. El Halawany, Nahla S. Abdel-Azim, Mansour S. Alsaid, PaulW. Paré, Sesquiterpene Lactones from Cynara cornigera: Acetyl Cholinesterase Inhibition and In Silico Ligand Docking. Planta Med 2016; 82: 138–146.

<!--Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy, Amira M. Gamal-Eldeen,  Tarik A. Mohamed, Montaser A. Alhammady, Abuzeid  A. Hassanien, Mohamed A. Shreadah, Ibrahim I. Abdelgawad, Eman M. Elkady, Paul W. Paré, New cytotoxic constituents from the Red Sea soft coral Nephthea sp, Natural products research, 2016, 30(11), 1266-1272.

<!--Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy,  Tarik A. Mohamed, Abdelsamed I. Elshamy, Abuzeid  A. Hassanien, Nahla S. Abdelazim, Mohamed A. Shreadah, Ibrahim I. Abdelgawad, Eman M. Elkady. A New Steroid from the Red Sea Soft Coral Lobophytum lobophytum. Natural products research, 2016, 30(3), 340-344.

<!-- Tarik A. Mohamed, Wafaa A. Tawfik, Emad M. Hassan, Soleiman E. Helaly,  Taha A. Hussien, Abdelaaty A. Shahat. First isolation and Characterization of Chemical Constituents from Achillea biebersteinii.Res J Pharm Biol Chem Sci. 2016, 6(6), 1179.

<!--Mohamed A. Farag, Andrea Porzel, Montasser A. Al-Hammady, Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy, Achim Meyer, Tarik A. Mohamed, Hildegard Westphal, and Ludger A. Wessjohann, Soft Corals Biodiversity in the Egyptian Red Sea: a Comparative MS and NMR Metabolomics Approach of Wild and Aquarium Grown Species, Journal of Proteome Research, 2016, 15(4), 1274-1287.

<!--Mona M. Marzouk, Tarik A. Mohamed, Ahmed Elkhateeb, Sayed A. El-toumy, Mohamed Elamir F. Hegazy, Phenolics from Tanacetum sinaicum (Fresen.) Delile ex Bremer & Humphries (Asteraceae) Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2016, 65, 143-146.

<!--Ahmed R. Hamed, Tarik A. Mohamed, Wafaa A. Tawfik, Emad M. Hassan, Maureen Higgins, Sayed A. El-toumy, Albena T. Dinkova-kostova. Bioactive polymethoxylated Flavonoids from Chiliadenus montanus. J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2016, 8(3), 788-793.

<!--Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy, Tarik A. Mohamed, Abdelsamed I. Elshamy, Montaser A. Alhammady, Shinji Ohta, Paul W. Paré, Casbane diterpenes from Red Sea Coral Sinularia polydactyla, Molecules 2016, 21, 308.


<!--Tarik A. Mohamed, Abdelsamed I. Elshamy, Taha A. Hussien, Jui-Hsin Su, Jyh-Horng Sheu, Mohamed Elamir F. Hegazy, Lobophylins F-H: three new cembrene diterpenoids from soft coral Lobophytum crassum, Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2017, 19(3), 201-207 .

<!--Ahmed R. Hamed, Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy, Maureen Higgins, Tarik A. Mohamed, Nahla S. Abdel-Azim, Paul W. Pare,  Albena T. Dinkova-Kostova, Potency of extracts from selected Egyptian plants as inducers of the Nrf2-dependent chemopreventive enzyme NQO1, Journal of Natural Medicines, 2016, 70(3), 683-688.

<!-- Tarik A. Mohamed, Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy, Abeer A. Abd El Aty, Hazem A. Ghabbour, Mansour S. Alsaid, Abdelaaty A. Shahat, Paul W. Paré, New sesquiterpene lactones from Artemisia sieberi and their antimicrobial activity, Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2017, 19(11), pp. 1093-1101.

<!-- Howaida I. Abd-Alla, Heba-tollah M. Sweelam, Tarik A. Mohamed, Mahmoud M. Gabr, Mounir M. El-Safty, Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy, Efficacy of extracts and iridoid glucosides from Pentas lanceolata on humoral and cell-mediated immune response of viral vaccine, Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2017, 26(9), pp. 2196-2204.

<!--Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy, Abdelsamed I. Elshamy, Tarik A. Mohamed, Ahmed R. Hamed, Mahmoud A.A. Ibrahim, S Ohta and Paul W. Paré, Cembrene Diterpenoids with Ether Linkages from Sarcophytonehrenbergi: An Anti-Proliferation and Molecular-Docking Assessment. Mar. Drugs (2017) 15(6), 192; doi:10.3390/md15060192 (registering DOI).

<!--Abdelsamed I. Elshamy, Tarik A. Mohamed, Mona M. Marzouk, Taha A. Hussien, Akemi Umeyama, Mohamed Elamir F. Hegazy, Phytochemical constituents and chemosystematic significance of Pulicaria jaubertii E.Gamal-Eldin (Asteraceae). Phytochemistry Letters 24 (2018) 105–109.







<!--Abou-El-Hamd H. Mohamed, Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazyb, Mahmoud F. M. Moustafa, Magdi A. El-Sayed, Ibrahim B. Abdel-Farid, Abeer M. Esmaila, Mohamed  H.  Abdelrazike,  Naglaa  S.  Mohamed,  Gomah  Nenaah,   Tarik  A. Mohamed, Abdelaaty A. Shahat, Joe Karchesy , Hisashi Matsuda, and Paul W. Pare, Euphorbia helioscopia: Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities, record of Natural Products, International Journal of Phytopharmacology. 2012, 3(1), 78-90.

<!--Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy,Tarik A. Mohamed, Abd El-Samid I. El-Shamy, Abou-El-Hamd H. Mohamed, Usama A. Mahalel, Eman H. Reda, Alaa M. Shaheen, Wafaa A. Tawfik, Abdelaaty A. Shahat, Khalid A. Shams, Nahla S. Abdel-Azim, Fayza M. Hamouda, Microbial biotransformation as a tool for drug development based on natural products  from mevalonic acid pathway: A review. Journal of Advanced Research (2015) 6, 17–33.

<!--Mohamed-Elamir F. Hegazy,  Tarik A. Mohamed,  Montaser A. Alhammady, Alaa M. Shaheen, Eman H. Reda, Abdelsamed I. Elshamy, Mina Aziz and Paul W. Paré, Molecular Architecture and biomedical leads of terpenes from Red Sea Marine-Invertebrates.  Marine drugs, 2015, 13, 3154-3181.

<!--Taha A Hussien, Tarik A Mohamed, The Bioactive Natural Products and Biological Activities of the Red Sea Soft Coral Sarcophyton: A Review. Res J Pharm Biol Chem Sci. 2015, 6(4), 1301-1319.

<!--Abdelsamed I. Elshamy, Mahmoud I. Nassar, Tarik A. Mohamed, Abdelsamed I. Elshamy, Mahmoud I. Nassar, Tarik A. Mohamed, Mohamed Elamir F. Hegazy.  Chemical and biological profile of Cespitularia species: A mini review Journal of Advanced Research, 2015, 7, 209–224.






<!--Tarik A. Mohamed, Mohamed Elamir  Hegazy, Abdelaaty  Shahat.  Bioactive constituents from Egyptian Marine Soft Corals. 2014.

<!--Abdelsamed I. Elshamy, Tarik A. Mohamed, Mohamed Elamir  F. Hegazy, Caffeic Acid: Sources, Potential Uses and Health Benefits. chapter one " Caffeic Acid : Chemistry and natural recourses, 2016.

<!--Faiza Hammouda, Nahla Abdel-Azim and Khaled Shams, Tarik A. Mohamed, Green Technologies for Extraction of Egyptian Medicinal Plants, 2016.

<!--Faiza Hammouda, Haidar Ghaleb, Nahla Abdel-Azim, Tarik A. Mohamed, Development of a Natural Product against HCV Infection in Egypt, 2016.

<!--Egyptian Encyclopedia of Wild Medicinal Plants, Vol. 1, Dar El kotub, 2017.

<!--Egyptian Encyclopedia of Wild Medicinal Plants, Vol. 2, Dar El kotub, 2018.

<!--Egyptian Encyclopedia of Wild Medicinal Plants, Vol. 3, Dar El kotub, 2018.





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نشرت فى 30 أغسطس 2018 بواسطة ChemMedPlantNRC

قسم كيمياء النباتات الطبيه - شعبة الصناعات الصيدلية و الدوائية - المركز القومي للبحوث



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