Determine how much water to apply

Managing irrigation at the field scale can be improved by quantifying the water balance. Understanding where savings can be made in this water balance is a necessary step to achieve

contents of topic

Step 1: Determine soil texture

Step2: Calculate readily available water

Step 3: Determining when to irrigate

  • measure soil moisture
  • Types of measuring equipment
  • Advantages of moisture monitoring tools
  • Tensiometer
  • Theory of tensiometer operation
  • Tensiometer Pre-installation
  • Tensiometer Installation
  • Tensiometer Operation
  • Scheduling of Irrigation systems with tensiometer
  • Scheduling  of Drip/Trickle irrigation systems with tensiometer
  • Scheduling  of Sprinkler irrigation systems with tensiometer
  • Advantages of use the tensiometers
  • Disadvantages of use the tensiometers
  • Tensiometer troubleshooting

Step 4. Determine the Irrigation scheduling

  • Advantages of irrigation scheduling

     Short- term decisions
     Long-term decisions

GAP recommendations



م. إجلال شعراوي

الإدارة المركزية للإرشاد الزراعي والبيئة

تسعى الإدارة إلى إحداث نهضة وتنمية ريفية متكاملة ومستدامة ونشر مجموعات من الحزم التكنولوجية المتصلة بكل نواحي الحياة الريفية. »


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