منتديات نادي الأمن والسلامة السعودي ـــ إشراف الأستاذ / أسامة بن محمد الجعوان

إستشاري صحة / سلامة / أمن / بيئة / باحث ومتخصص في إدارة الأزمات والكوارث


Old ways of smoking have been associated with several side effects due to the tobacco that people do smoke. The statistics are very worrying considering the rate that people do smoke, and it is very hard for anyone to stop it unless they get an alternative. Over the past few years, vaporizers have taken root, and this is the same escape that many people are beginning to appreciate in numbers. The reason being, vaporizing is not smoking, but it makes one feel like the actual stuff makes of them. This is better considering the fact that tobacco is associated with the damage of all the internal organs. Tobacco is a real monster, according to many health practitioners.


The worst part about old cigarette smoking is not just how harmful it is, but how hard it is to stop the habit. In fact, in the US, 40 Million people do smoke and 40% of them express desire to quit but it is not that simple. The worst procrastination must be the one associated with the desire to stop smoking; a person will want to cease tomorrow, the next day and yet by the following year they will still be under the spell. That magic must be real hard on anyone, and that’s where the electronic cigarettes have come to give the people an alternative to the usual smoking sprees. As mentioned, it does not involve real tobacco smoking but its same feeling.


Needless to say, there have been several dedicated researches into the study of the chemicals used in these e-cigarettes and it is not actually because anyone fears to come out and dispute the perfect tobacco smoking replacement; but put simply, nothing wrong has been found about the electronic cigarette smoking/vaporizing. But it is not like there will be nothing that will stop everyone from going the e-cigar way; many people are still very skeptical of the idea and would not give electronic cigarettes a chance. But the adoption, in general, is growing a lot.


It should be mentioned here that electronic cigarettes smoking is not harmful to someone’s’ health, especially if you choose to smoke the more well-known electronic cigarette brands. We have special access to the best electronic cigarette brands of 2015 if you are interested in checking them out.


It involves no intake of the harmful tobacco or other substances that make smoking harmful. What happens, however, is that whenever a person smokes electronic cigarettes, a chemical is broken down, and it releases some ‘vapor’ which the person inhales. The vapor leaves no bad odor associated with the usual cigarettes. In any case, it should not even be stressed how much the vaporizing does not involve the use of any lighter at all. The small cigarette-like device is powered by a small lithium battery. When switched on, the chemical in it ‘vaporizes’ as previously mentioned and the user inhales it to get the actual stimulation that the normal cigarettes give. The electronic cigarettes are mounted with an LED that lights up. It can be of any color depending on the manufacturer, but the general goal is to give the impression of the real stuff.


Nothing comes without a small risk associated with it in entirety. The electronic cigarettes as mentioned contain no traces of smoke or any tobacco, but it is not that nicotine is not present. In fact, liquid nicotine is used here. Studies have shown that very small amounts of liquid nicotine can be dangerous; for example, just a teaspoonful of liquid nicotine is enough to kill an adult. It means that all the people who have seen the electronic cigarettes be an escape should make sure that they go for the brands that have the least nicotine on them.


One other risk of using electronic cigarettes is the possibility of release of some metal elements such as tin into the body of the user. Thus, a lot of care must be taken. To cite this fact, it has been reported that the people who make emergency calls associated with the use of electronic cigarettes is rising every other time. This is simply due to the gradual increase in people who are using them. But, to say the least, these numbers may still be due to the use of fake products as there have not been any scientific conclusions yet. Care must always be taken to only use what is mostly accepted and not just any electronic cigarette.

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نشرت فى 18 مايو 2015 بواسطة AlJaawan

منتديات نادي الأمن والسلامة السعودي

أهدافنا تطمح للوصل الى القمة .. ونعمل جاهدين من خلال التطوير والتدريب وتطبيق معايير الجودة وإدارة أنظمة الأمن والسلامة المهنية من ضمن هذه الإدارات بل لعلها من اشد الإدارات التي يجب أن تحقق أهدافها لان فشلها في تحقيق أهدافها يعنى الفشل في إيجاد بيئة العمل الآمنة والعكس صحيح . »


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