Abstract. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the supplementation of zinc sulphate and Zn-Cu isoleucinate in the local feeds basal diet of young male Bali cattle. The experimental design used was randomized completely block design. The experimental animal were randomly assigned into four group of treaments diet were formulated as: R0 = 60% ammoniated “kume“ grass standinghay + 40% concentrate; R1 = R0 + 150 mg ZnSO4.kg-1 DM concentrate + 1 % Zn-Cu isoleucinate; R2 = R0 + 150 mg ZnSO4.kg-1 DM concentrate + 2 % Zn-Cu isoleucinate; R3 = R0 + 150 mg ZnSO4.kg-1 DM concentrate + 3 % Zn-Cu isoleucinate. The basal diet consisted of ammoniated “kume“ grass standinghay, while concentrate consisted of corn meal, rice bran, coconut cake, fish meal, lemuruoil and premix. The crude protein content of basal diet was 17%, while total digestible nutrients (TDN) was 78%. The supplementation of zinc sulphate and and Zn-Cu isoleucinate in the diet did not increase significantly crude protein consumption, zinc and cuprum concentration, N and energi retention. However supplementation zinc sulphate and Zn-Cu isoleucinate increase significantly dry matter, energy, zinc and cuprum consumption, zinc and cuprum absorbtion, phosphatase alkaline, growth and imonoglobulin concentration of young male Bali cattle. The highest daily gain (0.721.day-1) was achieved at level of ZnSO4 and Zn-Cu isoleucinate supplementation of 150 mg ZnSO4 kg-1 concentrate and 2% Zn-Cu isoleucinate kg-1 diet.
نشرت فى 23 مارس 2014
بواسطة AGRENET
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