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مشروع " تأهيل القطاع السمكى للممارسات الزراعية العالمية"


Rehabilitation of the fisheries sector to the global good agricultural practices "Global G.A.P."




The awareness of consumers growing concerns regarding product safety, environmental impact and the health, safety and welfare of workers and animals.


The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.


GAP is practices that address environmental, economic and social sustainability for on-farm


processes,  and result in safe and quality food and non-food agricultural products”.


Global GAP has become an important standard not only for large-scale farms but also for small holders all around the world. Global GAP implementation can improve the farm management practices of smallholders, and Global GAP certification can be a tool for smallholders to access both local and global markets and to be integrated into the formalised supply chains. However, compliance to the standard remains a challenge to the smallholders with a low level of literacy and financial means.



This guide covers all the GLOBALGAP Control Points of the following sections:


 Record keeping and internal self-assessment/internal inspection;


 Site history and site management;


Workers’ health, safety and welfare;


Waste and pollution management, recycling and reuse;


 Environment and conservation;


 Complaints;


 Traceability;


 Propagation material


Aquaculture today is developing differentiated strategies for a wide variety of fish species and farming methods.



One of the most important problems which constrain the trade between nations in one side and international trade on the other side is un-implementation of the rules of the global international trade. The Global GAP implementation can improve the trade among the developing countries and the international ones.




The project under the title of "Rehabilitation of the fisheries sector to the global good agricultural practices "Global G.A.P." to be funded by WTO.


مشروع تم تقديمه بتاريخ 3/12/2013 الي منظمة التجارة العالمية والتي تتيح تمويل مشروعات مُتعلقة بحل المشكلات التى تُعيق التجارة البينية ونفاذ السلع الزراعية (ذات الأصل الحيوانى – النباتى) بين الدول ونفاذ السلع ، من الدول النامية إلى الأسواق العالمية تنفيذا لإتفاق الصحة والصحة النباتية. وتم اقتراح هذا المشروع .








المصدر: المصدر المعمل المركزي لبحوث الثروة السمكية
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نشرت فى 17 إبريل 2018 بواسطة zeinabNagdi

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