citrus is a major fruit crop cultivated in Egypt as its acreage, production and exportation potentialities are concerned. It is the largest horticultural industry, during the last few years, and harvested area increased rapidly from year to year , reached 483296 feddan in 2011 from the total fruit crop area, which estimated to be 1388153 feddans, the fruiting acreage of citrus occupies 395731 feddan produced 3730685 tons with average of 9.5 tons/ fed. (According to Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation  (Annual report 2011).


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نشرت فى 2 سبتمبر 2015 بواسطة wabobatta

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د. وليد فؤاد ابوبطة

نهدف لنشر ما يتعلق بالتنمية المتكاملة فى الوطن العربى بمختلف دوله ولهجاته للارتقاء بمستوى معيشة المواطن العربى ووضعه فى المكانة الملائمة له »


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