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How to upgrade the profession of school social service under
Cognitive development and technological


Introduced a social service in the fields of education early fifties, as the right of every citizen such as water, air, and if the goal in the first place was just full-time teachers who conduct surveillance operations to counter the growing number of students and thereby increase the number of classes, the social service in Arab schools was able in a short period to confirm the positive role and construction operations in the educational and vocational training for the student.
If the modern concepts of education include the growth of social and psychological development of students along with academic achievement, the social service in the light of these concepts contribute to the educational processes to help the student to reach the targets set by the integrated school before working in all ways and means to provide it. Fastaant school psychological specialists in psychiatric clinics for the detection of mental capacities of pupils and guide them to the mentally retarded schools weak-minded. Thus marched perception in the Arab school when she noted benefited Balo_khasaii social programs for social service and used its principles as part of an integrated system copes with the school year. Overall, the importance of social service in the educational field due to it is working with large segments of our society, as they enjoy the attention of all officials for the preparation of the new generation who will bear the responsibilities of the future g If it succeeds in the role of Social Work building might have contributed to a firm contribution to the achievement of the objectives of development and evolution of society. Social service profession in the field of school required by the educational institution to achieve the social function of an ad hoc basis to the variables earned by the community and affect the lives of all who live in their scope.
(1) Definition:
And community service in the field of education means the professional practice of social service at the school level as well as supervisory and professional and administrative and other focus is the impact on the school ie, the group efforts, services and programs that are fostering social development of students in order to create conditions for educational progress and educational.
School service goals:
It works on three main objectives include every one of them a number of sub-goals are as follows:

First Objective:
Participate in the socialization of students: What is meant nurtured in this area normalization and compatibility, adaptation and social interaction for students and, in the light of that school social service aims to:
1 detect problems experienced by individual students and the impact on school life and to find solutions to these problems.
2 space-time children, including their benefit and interest and that the composition of school groups.
3 Development of the student leaders so that they are capable of a positive impact on school life.
Second Objective:
Contribute to the social development of school life: It means the provision of appropriate social atmosphere which is characterized by social interaction between students and regulates the relations and services exchanged between the school and the environment and society in light of that school of social service aims to:
1 the organization of school life in the framework of a democratic check the units for students to freedom of opinion and active participation.
2 make the school center radiation to the local environment around so that it can contribute to community service.
3 mu Interface social phenomena reflected on the school by organizing programs and projects to address these phenomena.
Third Objective:
Increase academic achievement and the effectiveness of education: social service goals of the school to achieve this goal:
1 To create the circumstances surrounding the student to assist them in academic achievement.
2 relegate care curriculum and follow them to meet this social backwardness.
3 Organization of social programs that help students to increase school performance.
And the practice of social work in the field of education as in other areas of social service based on three technical ways. In each of these methods there are a number of responsibilities by the social worker, but in fact interdependent and complementary moving towards the goals and practices, one that differed from one institution to another according to their situations and needs and problems.
A.'s Responsibilities for the social worker to work with individual cases in the school:
First: For the individual positions of acute, complex or multiple reasons, as it requires each of them in search of socially:
1 The study of individual cases that require assistance and then Ichksa working on a treatment using technical skill.
2 clear knowledge of the possibilities in the environment and society that may be of help in order to contribute in the treatment of these cases.
Secondly: With regard to the individual positions or temporary, where the bar can be dealt with using methods of social insight or guidance:
1 specialist help for students to meet the social attitudes of individual crossbar through expression or venting or to clarify the causes or how to address them.
2 working individual interviews, seminars and conferences with a view to the collective guidance of the individual so as to create a specialist renewable opportunities to form individual relationships with students.
Third: for those procedures which are limited to study documentary:
1 is a specialist study and documentaries of the individual positions that need economic assistance and future requirements for emergency or urgent.
2 Forward budgets for material assistance to projects and programs in which students contribute to the productivity of assistance.
Fourth: for sources of individual service: -
1 develop an implementation plan for the process of constant contact with the Authority or on a regular basis and institutions in the environment or local community which can be used
Fourth: for sources of individual service: -
1 develop an implementation plan for the process of constant contact with the Authority or on a regular basis and institutions in the environment or local community which can be used as sources in the provision of social service for individual students.
2 chapters provide the pioneers responsible for the tag school social information on students who are dealing with them. This is in addition to the responsibilities of the separatist social register his career for the individual services and the most important recordings registration of individual cases and the positions of individual registration and forms of material assistance and documentation, to the need to preserve these recordings for both follow-up services for individual students or for use in learning processes and evaluation and research (1)
B - Responsibilities of the social worker to work with school groups:
First: For groups of activity: -
1 the formation of groups that reflect the issues of community supervision and follow-up to growth directly following the steps, methods and principles of how we serve our community.
2 Composition of the groups for social purposes and supervision and creating a new school from time to time by identifying ongoing needs of students.
Secondly: With regard to groups chapters: -
1 The worker process of collective social guidance through the increase in a bid to help students understand themselves and reveal their talents and Tnitha as well as exposure to school problems and solutions in the framework of a collective thought of building a free and depends on the research and discussion.
2 It is natural to record the school social worker for groups working with them in groups and classes to provide chapters by pioneers.
C - the responsibilities of the social worker for work in the school community: -
School social worker practicing the way we organize society, both with the school community or with the local community and, generally, is determined on the social responsibilities of organizations assisting in the formation and growth of school programs and leadership training officials.
One of the key contained in this exercise the following responsibilities: -
First: For the internal regulations of the school: -
1 school board as a member as it was offered him a plan of work and his responsibilities and coordination between the responsibilities and the responsibilities of teaching staff in aspects of school activities and services.
2 Council leadership and board of supervisors school activities: -
Participate as a member of a determined role in the exchange of experiences about working with school groups and coordination of their activities.
3 Council of parents and teachers: -
And participates as a member and often serves as secretary of the port.
4. Self-governance: -
Worked social worker to call for the formation of these systems and follow-up activities and direct supervision of their joint leadership and training of students.

Second: - For external regulations related to school: -
1 The regulations for the management of service and community development by the school may request from the regulatory processes and coordination and supervision, programming, funding and evaluation.
2 direct supervision of projects, the environment and public service school.
3 continuous and systematic contact the organizations with the environment and society through the committees and the Joint Boards of the study with these organizations. In addition to the main roads of Social Service, a number of general responsibilities of the social worker at the school which is in five basic processes are: -
First: In the field of study for social services: -
That the worker, whether in ancient or modern school work a study of conditions, variables and school problems as well as school conditions, variables and problems as well as the local community capacities and influential. And to identify the needs of students and their problems as individuals and groups as well as school and community organizations internal and external effectiveness, all intended to pave the way for a plan of action followed in the context of social policy education.
Second: - In the planning of social services: -
1 Identify the social needs of students, identified and arranged in order of priority, as well as to determine the possibilities.
2 Planning for implementation and monitoring and evaluation and registration of the school social services
Third: a valuable implementation of social services: -
School social worker for a key role in the implementation of social services, school social services, whether individually or collectively or community. You have led and addressed when talking about the responsibilities of the specialist in the practice methods of social work at the field school.
Fourth: - In the area of registration for social services: -
Registration is the responsibility of interest to the specialist as it is management that could measure the way for the development and growth of the student, school, and the same worker they represent the reality of work.

The most important recordings prepared by the specialist: -
A? - Social Registry of the Comprehensive School.
B? - The various social service records.
Fifth: - in the calendar Alkhaddmpalajtmaip: -
Calendar for social services means identifying the actual value being made in any aspect of the services and in order to: -
1 stand on the importance of social purposes, and to know their direction and the extent to which the efforts of the worker to them.
2 to examine the methods used in practice and their compatibility with the trends of social service.
3 to assess the results fit with the efforts and money that have been made in the services provided.
And in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Ministry of Education has developed education and a job description for the role of social worker in schools. And which tasks can be divided by the Social Statistics: -
1 tasks related to the educational process (follow-up of repeaters and Almitrspin, the presence of quotas in order to identify the later curriculum and outstanding and talented, continue to transition and transfer of student

2 tasks related guidance and guides (training, supervision of students in the school, follow up special cases, vocational guidance, interview parents, traffic on the rows of the routing, resolving differences between students, the number of stickers and leaflets white).
3 - tasks related administrative work (completion of the data card, school cafeteria supervision, preparation of files, log daily events, and follow-up to the late morning, attend a meeting of the Governing Council, following up on some statistics).
4 - tasks related to health care (limited to students with disabilities and chronic diseases, visit the students in the hospital, attend meetings of the health center).
5 - tasks related to social activities (to provide some programs and concerts, supervision of activities, supervision of school groups, organized the open day, and prepared.)
6 - tasks related to cultural works (coordination of cultural competitions, attend courses and seminars, preparation of lectures, reciprocal visits between supervisors, to assist researchers and research work and the organization of educational visits).
7 - tasks at the level of service of the individual (the study of problems and examine situations to provide advisory services to the teacher about the problems facing students, the preparation of records).
8 tasks at the level of service to the community (the distribution of student groups, working with groups facing social problems, collective social guidance, the direct supervision of groups of a social activity, guide students to form social relationships
9 - tasks at the level of community organization (inventory of needy students, collecting donations and distributing aid, work projects, exchange of services with the bodies of the environment, limited resources and institutions and benefit from them, configure social relations with other schools to assess the evolution of the social function of a school).
In the study I have undertaken with Zmilten the reality of social control in schools in Bahrain entitled (assessing the role of school social worker) study found a number of conclusions, including: -
1 - dispersion of the specialist and plentiful as it does not provide sufficient time or effort you need some individual cases, and its missions do not fall within the scope of his specialty.
2 - Focusing on the administrative side and underestimate the technical side in its work.
3 - Lack of procedures or preventive actions.
4 - need to acquire specialist skills in the types of activity engaged in school groups so that they can direct students to it.
5 - Lack of interest in the specialist and not their professional work associated with servicing the community with a commitment to individual business professional.
6 - Lack of interest in the coordination of specialists competitions and cultural programs, although it is one of experience and skills that provide their determinants required for health or psychosocial issues.
7 - Attention to the composition of social relationships with other schools to ensure that interaction.
8 - Communicating with the bodies responsible for the care of students, including help in developing the best means to meet the real needs of students.


Source: Data Professor: Nagwa Mohamed Mostafa Ali


المصدر: Source: Data Professor: Nagwa Mohamed Mostafa Ali

عصام يحى احمد

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مدرسة الدكتور طـه حسـين (الابتدائية-امبابة -جيزة)Taha Hussein Primary school in Giza Imbaba

رؤية المدرسة اعداد جيل مفكرومبدع لدية انتماء لوطنه رسالة المدرسة تفعيل حصص النشاط داخل المدرسة الاهتكام بذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة الاهتمام بالتلاميذ الضعاف اكساب التلاميذ المهارات التى تمكنهم من المشاركة الفعاله فى برامج التنمية تنمية القدارت الابداعية تطوير وتعزيز التماسك الاجتماعى [email protected] لقد تم استبدال e-mail القديم باخر وهذا لوجود عطل »

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تصفح اقسام الموقع

عدد زيارات الموقع


رسالة الى صلاح الدين

بحبك يابلادى

بحبك يامصر

 الاذاعة المدرسية
مسابقة الاذاعة الالكترونية

رساله الى صلاح الدين

للشاعر :فاروق جويده

كانت لنا يوما هنا اوطان ...وطن بلون الصبح كان

وطن أضاء الكون عمرا بالسماحة ..والهداية .. والأمان

وطن على أرجائه الخضراء هل الوحى

فى التوراة ..والأنجيل ..والقرآن

وطن تطوف عليه مكة كعبة الدنيا وبيت الحق .. والإيمان

وطن عنيد أيقظ الدنيا وعلمها طريق المجد

علمها فنون الحرب علمها البيان

وطن بلون الصبح كان

وطن كبير انت فى عينى هزيل فى ظلام السجن والسجان

وطن عريق انت فى عينى

أراك الان اطلالا بلا اسم بلا رسم بلا عنوان

من علم الاسد الأبى بأن ينكس رأسه ويهادن الجرذان

من علم القلب التقى بأن يبيع صلاته ويعود للأوثان

يا سيدى فلأعترف أن الجواد الجامح  المجنون قد خسر الرهان

وبأن اشباه الرجال تحكموا وبان هذا العصر للغلمان

يا سيدى فلأعترف أن الفراشات الجميلة لن تقاوم خسة الثعبان

ان الاسود تموت حزنا عندما تتحكم الفئران

أن السماسرة الكبار توحشوا باعوا الشعوب وأجهضوا الأوطان

ولأعترف يا سيدى انى وفيت وان غيرى خان

غنيت للقدس الحبيبة أعذب الالحان

وأنساب فوق ربوعها شعرى يطوف على المآذن والكنائس والجنان

القدس ترسم وجه طه والملائك حوله والكون يتلو سوره الرحمن

القدس تبدو فى ثياب الحزن قنديلا بلا ضوء بلا نبض بلا الوان

تبكى كثيرا كلما حانت صلاة الفجر

وانطفأت عيون الصبح وانطلق المؤذن بالأذان

القدس تسأل: كيف صار الابن سمسارا وباع الام فى سوق الهوان بأرخص الأثمان

صوت المآذن والكنائس لم يزل فى القدس يرفع رايه العصيان

الله اكبر منك يا زمن الهوان

الله اكبر منك يا زمن الهوان

الله اكبر منك يا زمن الهوان  

توزيع الجوائز على المتفوقينفى مدرسة الدكتور طه حسين الابتدائية

 للترم الاول من عام 2010 2011

 يوم الثلاثاء.


تتشرف مدرسة

 الدكتور طه حسين الابتدائية بتكريم

 الاستاذة سونيا 

 الاحتفال بثورة 25 يناير بمدرسة د طه حسين الابتدائية امبابة جيزة 17 3 2011

محفوظات الصف السادس
قصة سيدنا نوح
الاستاذ محمد فؤاد على

تلميذه تحى العلم

التعلم النشط

 الوسائل التعليمية 

الاستاذة عبير

حصة علوم الاستاذة ربابالمجموعة الشمسية

الانشطة التربوية (التعلم النشط)

انشطة تربوية تخدم المواد الدراسية المختافة

وتسهل الفهم عند التلاميذ


الانشطة التربوية (التعلم النشط)

مجسم للاهرامات (التعلم النشط)

الاخصائية أ- مرفت محمد سالم 


رحلة تلاميذ

 مدرسة الدكتور طه حسين لسيارة الاسعاف



بلادي بــلادي بلادي   لــك حبـي وفــؤادي

مصـر يا أم البلاد  انـت غايتي والمراد

وعلى كل العبــاد  كم لنيلك من أيـادي

بلادي بــلادي بلادي  لــك حبـي وفــؤادي

مصر انت أغلى درة  فــوق جبين الدهـر غرة

يا بلادي عيشي حرة  واسلـمي رغـم الأعــادي

بلادي بــلادي بلادي  لــك حبـي وفــؤادي

مصر يا أرض النعيم  سدت بالمـجد القديم

مقصدي دفع الغريم   وعلى الله إعتمـادي

بلادي بــلادي بلادي  لــك حبـي وفــؤادي

مصر أولادك كــرام   أوفياء يرعـوا الزمـام

نحن حرب وسلام  وفداكي يا بلادي

بلادي بــلادي بلادي لــك حبـي وفــؤادي 

الانشطة التربوية 

التعلم النشط

تمثيل المواد الغذائية

وتحية العلم

والنشاط الرياضى

موقع أ-عصام يحى احمد      اضغط هنا

تكريم المدرسين المتفوقين

 علميا وتكنولوجيا على مستوى الجيزة حضر الحفل

وزير التربية والتعليم أ.د . احمد زكى بدر

والمهندس سيد عبد العزيز

 محافظ الجيزة.

وزير التربية والتعليم أ.د. احمد ذكى بدر

ومحافظ الجيزة المهندس

سيد عبد العزيز ووكيل الوزارة

ومديرعام ادارة شمال الجيزة

الاستاذ محمود خطاب



بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


تهنيء اسرة التربية الاجتماعية مدرسة د. طه حسين

أ. عصام يحي علي تكريمه من قبل السيد وزير التربية والتعليم والسيد محافظ الجيزة علي مجهوداته العظيمة التي يقدمها من خلال الموقع الالكتروني للمدرسة

اسرة التربية الاجتماعية

وادارة المدرسة

المقطع الاول


المقطع الثانى



الجزء الثالث المدرسين المتفوقين الجيزة



مدير إدارة شمال الجيزة التعليمية

الأستاذ/ محمود إبراهيم خطاب

نبذة عنه :

- تخصص فى اللغة العربية وتدرج فى المناصب حتى وصل الى منصب وكيل ادارة جنوب الجيزة التعليمية  ثم مديرا عاما لادارة الوراق التعليمية ثم حاليا مديرا عاما لادارة شمال الجيزة التعليمية عقب السيدة الفاضلة مديحة سيد طرة- تحدث مع سيادة الرئيس محمد حسنى مبارك خلال احداث الامن المركزى- له اسهامات كبيرة فى العمل الوطنى والشعبى بادارة الهرم وجميع الادارات الت خدم بها , وله منجزات فى جميع الاماكن التى عمل بها
مناصب- رئيس مجلس محلى الهرم- رئيس نادى الوفاء بالهرم- رئيس مجلس ادارة تنمية المجتمع المحلى- عضو الامانة العامة بالجيزة


وكيل إدارة شمال الجيزة التعليمية 

الأستاذ/ طه مصطفى عبد الهادى

- وكيل ادارة شمال الجيزة التعليمية- خبير اللغة العربية بالمحافظة- تدرج بالمناصب حتى وصل الى منصب موجه اول بادارة وسط الجيزة ثم موجها عاما للغة العربية على مستوى المحافظة- أختير لكفائته العلمية وكيلا لادارة شمال الجيزة- له اسهامات عديدة فى رفع المستوى العلمى لمعلمى اللغة العربية بالمحافظة

نبذة عن مدير مدرسة الدكتور طه حسين الجديد

مدير مدرسة الدكتور طه حسين الابتدائية امبابة جيزة

الاستاذ /بكرى على عيسى

يتصف بالالتزام والانضباط والتعاون مع فريق العمل فى المدرسة

وتشجيع المدرسين والتلاميذ والتلميذات والمتفوقين  والمتفوفات بالمدرسة

 قصة القلم الرصاص


القلم الرصاص

View more presentations from essam yahia Ahmed .

المصدر: الاستاذة هناء بمدرسة طه حسين الابتدائية امبابة جيزة

دعنى وجرحى فقد خابت أمانينا


دعنى وجرحى فقد خابت أمانينا

هل من زمان يعيد النبض يحينا

يا ساقى الحزن لا تعجب ففى وطنى

تهر من الحزن يجرى فى روابينا

كم من زمان كئيب الوجه فرقنا

واليوم عدنا ونفس الجرح يدمينا

جرحى عميق خدعنا فى المداوينا

لا الجرح يشفى ولا الشكوى تعزينا

كان الدواء سموما فى ضمائرنا

فكيف جئنا بداء كى يداوينا

هل من طبيب يداوى جرح امته؟

هل من أمام لدرب الحق يهدينا؟

أين الامام رسول الله يجمعنا؟

فاليأس والحزن كالبرك

الاستاذة نفين مدرس اول لغة عربية بمدرسة الدكتور طه حسين الابتدائية الجملة الاسمية والفعلية

الاستاذ امير زيدان معلم اول رياضيات مدرسة الدكتور طه حسين الابتدائية امبابة جيزة