صدى الإنتاج الحيواني

يهتم بتطويرالإنتاج الحيواني



how to Body Condition Score Dairy Cows 

The body condition score is determined largely by theamount of fat covering the rump and tailhead area. The loinarea also is evaluated. The final body condition score can beadjusted one-half score if the loin differs from the rump bymore than one point.Although most body condition scoring is done fromdirectly behind the animal, it is a good idea to observe thecow from the side to get some idea of the depression in theloin area. To begin scoring, stand directly behind the cow. Makesure the cow is relaxed because muscle tightness will resultin inaccurate scoring. Observe the degree of depressionaround the tail head. Then score the rump area by placing the hands on the pin bone and pelvic bone and feeling for theamount of fat covering. Figure 1 shows the areas used forscoring and the major bone and muscle groups. Always usethe same hand to score cows. Score the rump to the nearestone-half score. Then score the loin area in the same way,using the same hand, also assess this score to the nearestone-half unit. 


Benefits to producer :-


Body condition scoring can be a valuable tool in fine tuning management skills as well as uncovering potentialproblems in the herd. If a person rigorously follows a body condition scoring program, many day to-day nutrition problems can be avoided.

Definition of Freshening in Cows

Cows freshen after a calf's birth. Freshening occurs when milk production begins. She's then a "wet" cow, as opposed to "dry," non-milk-producing animal. Although nature intends the milk for the newborn calf, that's not the typical human use. The dairy calf might suckle the colostrum, the initial milk chock-full of nutrients and antibodies, but after 48 hours regular milk production starts and cow and calf are separated.


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نشرت فى 9 يوليو 2017 بواسطة tahaabshanb

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