Transferring mildew resistant trait in barley

Authors: M.A. AL-Hamdany, M.M. Salih

Citation: Transferring mildew resistant trait in barley

Authors: M.A. AL-Hamdany, M.M. Salih

Citation: 1991. Proc. 3rd Conf. Higher Council of Scientific Society in Iraq. Tikret/Iraq.


Single dominant resistant gene conditioned mildew resistance in Barley was successfully transferred from a 2-row selected line (H-421) to the land race barley cultivar (Numar) and Barley induced mutant NA/20. The breeding program resulted in selection numerous hybrid lines with immune reaction to powdery mildew causal agent either at seedling stage or adult.                                Abstract: 

Single dominant resistant gene conditioned mildew resistance in Barley was successfully transferred from a 2-row selected line (H-421) to the land race barley cultivar (Numar) and Barley induced mutant NA/20. The breeding program resulted in selection numerous hybrid lines with immune reaction to powdery mildew causal agent either at seedling stage or adult.                                

المصدر: Transferring mildew resistant trait in barley Authors: M.A. AL-Hamdany, M.M. Salih Citation: 1991. Proc. 3rd Conf. Higher Council of Scientific Society in Iraq. Tikret/Iraq. Abstract: Single dominant resistant gene conditioned mildew resistance in Barley was successfully transferred from a 2-row selected line (H-421) to the land race barley cultivar (Numar) and Barley induced mutant NA/20. The breeding program resulted in selection numerous hybrid lines with immune reaction to powdery mildew causal agent either at seedling stage or adult.
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نشرت فى 29 يونيو 2012 بواسطة sabony1946

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