Here is a list of key business values, categorized by type of value (i.e. physical, organizational, and psychological values). 

Physical Values

The precision, exactness, and conforming to fact in details of work.

--of offices, production and warehouse facilities, equipment, customer service areas, raw material and finished product inventory, closets, bathrooms, and so on

Maximum Utilization of Resources
The desire and ability of the company to improve its performance by full utilization of its current resources (i.e. as time, money, equipment, materials, space, people, etc.).

--in offices, drawers, file cabinets, shelves, paperwork, files, phone numbers, priority of work, daily and weekly planning, etc.

Punctuality and Timeliness
--in arriving on time to work, from breaks, from lunch, to meetings, in replying to letters and phone calls, in paying bills on time, etc. Occurring at the most suitable or opportune time.

Quality of Products and Services
--in terms of presentation, functionality, choice, value, speed, timeliness, suitability, repeatability, reliability, life span, repeatability, courtesy, friendliness, etc.

--of meetings, reports, sales calls, performance reviews, and so forth

The way system or persons consistently produce the same results, preferably meeting or exceeding its specifications. Dependability.

The way people, the organization, systems, etc. react to a need coming from within or without.

--in offices, warehouses, production and research facilities, vehicles, for employees, vendors, customers. etc.

Speed of Operations
The measurement of whether actions occur in the fastest time.


Organizational Values

--of individuals, departments and divisions for performance, results, problems, and so on

--up, down, and sideways within the company, with customers and vendors, in terms of openness, frankness, clarity, frequency, accuracy, timeliness, and brevity

Cooperation (Teamwork)
--among individuals, departments, divisions, branches, and so on

--horizontally between departments in terms of plans, activities, and systems

--in adherence to company policy, rules, systems, procedures, schedules, standards, ethics, and so on

Freedom for Initiative of Employees
--to make suggestions, develop plans, make decisions, carry out or modify actions, and so on

--for smooth operation vertically between different levels of the organization in terms of plans, decisions, and priorities

--in terms of forms, files, procedures, reports, performance evaluations, equipment, training, recruitment, orientations, communications, and so on

--in sales, marketing, customer service, accounting, research, production, engineering, estimating, recruitment, training, promotions, communications, coordination, reporting, and so on

Psychological Values

Continuous Improvement
The desire and ability of the company to develop and incorporate ways to improve itself.

--in terms of new products, new ideas, new systems, new production methods, new applications of technology, new methods of financing, new marketing strategies

Customer Delight
The positive emotional response and joy that the customer feels from interaction with our people and our products and services.

--in solving problems, planning, executing plans, in terms of speed and commitment to decisions once made

Develop People
The desire and ability of the company to improve the lot of its employees, including, ultimately, their personal growth. (Click here to go to an article on perhaps the highest business value, Commitment to People.)

The overall atmosphere and interaction between people, departments, divisions, systems, activities, rules, and policies within the company and between these elements and the external environment, customers, vendors, community laws, and so on.

The desire and ability of the company to venture into new, breakthrough areas of opportunity. (e.g. in the industry, in emerging trends in society, etc.)

Keeping to one's word, promises, agreements, being truthful, non-deceitful etc. with employees, customers, vendors, government, etc.

--to and from suppliers, customers, and employees

The ability to deal resourcefully, i.e. creatively, imaginatively, self-reliably with unusual problems, difficult situations, or unanticipated opportunities.

Respect for the Individual
--in establishing rules and policies, design of systems, making decisions, executing instructions, and so on in terms of people's health, safety, self-esteem, feelings, and opinions

Service to Society
Community welfare, environmental protection, development of products and services that meet real physical, social, or psychological needs.

(A Will to ) Succeed
--in any aspect of work




الحقيقة ليست سوى وهم، لكنه وهم ثابت سر الإبداع هو أن تعرف كيف تخفي مصادرك العلم بدون علم أعرج, والدين بدون علم أعمى هناء عباس مترجمة,باحثة,مدربة الترجمة ومناهج وطرق تدريس اللغة الإنجليزية

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