(outer focused)
Positive Negative
accepts authority, loyal, devoted rebellious
affectionate distant, cold, aloof
candid closed, guarded, secretive
caring uncaring, unfeeling, callous
considerate, thoughtful inconsiderate, thoughtless
cooperative uncooperative, unhelpful, combative
courteous rude, impolite
devoted uncommitted, uncaring, hostile
faith in others others can't be relied on
forgiving unforgiving, resentful, spiteful
freedom given to others authoritarian, controlling
friendly unfriendly, distant, aloof, hostile
generous stingy, miserly, selfish
goodwill ill-will, malice, hatred
grateful ungrateful, unappreciative
honest dishonest, deceiving, lying
humble arrogant, conceited, ego-centric
interested indifferent, uncaring
involved complacent, indifferent
jealous, not jealous, envious, covetous
kind unkind, uncaring, cruel, mean
open-minded, tolerant narrow, close, small-minded, intolerant
reliable unreliable, undependable
respectful disrespectful, rude, impolite
responsibility; takes- blames others
responsible unreliable, undependable
responsive unresponsive, unreceptive
self-directed directed by externals 
self-giving self-centered
self-reliant dependent
selfless selfish
sensitive Insensitive, indifferent
sincere insincere, dishonest
social independence social approval required
sympathetic unsympathetic, unfeeling
takes others point of view insists on own view
thoughtful towards others thoughtless, inconsiderate, callous
trusting suspicious, mistrusting
unselfish selfish
willing does, willingness unwilling, reluctant, recalcitrant
work-oriented convenience first

الحقيقة ليست سوى وهم، لكنه وهم ثابت سر الإبداع هو أن تعرف كيف تخفي مصادرك العلم بدون علم أعرج, والدين بدون علم أعمى هناء عباس مترجمة,باحثة,مدربة الترجمة ومناهج وطرق تدريس اللغة الإنجليزية

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نشرت فى 22 مايو 2011 بواسطة ritajtranslatio

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