organization art and literature policy_ مُؤَسّسَة قصي طارق للفن والادب السياسي

The artist  , Author and art
science  , Assistant Professor Qusay
Tariq , is one of Iraq’s geniuses  ,his
number is  187   ,
He presents for the first time a new idea of his new twenty
thrird book ,  The Mormon religion in
Arabic language
Qusay is  far from a religious
person , and  he’s
Famous for liberal ideas and  for this is
first time he Writes  About religion ,
He present with the first Arabic book in the Middle East
about Mormon religion
Qusay said :I'm very impressed with the character of the
leader  Joseph Smith  ,he chose instead to lead "by persuasion
, by long-suffering , by gentleness and meekness , and by love unfeigned ,"
"I love your soul ," he said to a friend in 1833.   "and the souls of the children of men ,
and pray and do all I  can for the
salvation of all ," two Years later , Joseph Smith   reaffirmed , "My heart is large enough
for all men ,
Qusay said i   loved  Joseph Smith 
 because he tried to exemplify the
love of the Savior , For example , Margarette McIntire Burgess recalled that as
a little girl she found herself and her brother mired in the mud of a Nauvoo
street as they walked to school , he stopped , lifted them from the muddy
street , cleaned the mud from their shoes and , as Margarette recalled ,
"took his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped our tear-stained faces ,
He spoke kind and cheering words to us , and sent us on our way to school
rejoicing , Was it any wonder that I loved that great , good and noble man of
God ?







QUSAY TARIQ ART ORGANIZATION organization art and literature policy_ مُؤَسّسَة قصي طارق للفن والادب السياسي http://i.imgur.com/x4gSBqC.jpg

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نشرت فى 18 إبريل 2018 بواسطة qusaytariq

qusay tariq


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