The following aqueous leaf extracts; Sinopis arvensis, Sisymbrium irio, Solanum nigrum, Chenopodium album and Portulace oleraceae alone and in combination with the nematophagus fungus, Hirsutella rhossiliensis were evaluated against the reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis infecting tomato cv. Strain-B3 under greenhouse conditions. Results indicated that most treatments tested obviously caused remarkable increase in tomato plant growth with various degrees. The application of the fungus + S. irio together revealed the highest value of percentage increase of the whole plant fresh weight as well as shoot dry weight which was amounted to 54.15 %, 114.81 % followed by S. irio alone (53.75 %, 107.41 %), respectively. All treatments showed significant reduction in total number of the reniform nematode in soil and roots of tomato. Higher reduction in the reniform nematode population density was achieved by the application of S. irio integrated with H. rhossiliensis (87.71 %) followed by S. arvensis plus H. rhossiliensis (85.89 %), S. irio (82.92 %) and then P. oleraceae combined with H. rhossiliensis (82.49 %). However, significant reduction in egg-masses numbers was achieved from all treatments in relation to nematode or wheat grains alone.


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ا.د./أشرف السعيد خليل

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