جريدة أخبار الجمهورية الدولى

رئيس التحرير محمود أبومسلم

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Mr. Mr. President of the United States of America Barack Obama

Tribute and appreciation

Introduction to you / Ahmed Abuajajh Abdul Hamid Sheikh and carry a national ID card 2680322101375

  . Egypt - Eastern Province - Belbeis - Resident Bgelovana 3 division groves SE

In the name of the Lord and all religions and holy books I appeal to stand next to me and you to solve the problems of helping me have sent to you my story after it abandoned meant governments and repudiated me although I did not ask the impossible, but I ask you

I want electricity because my house shrine since fifteen years without electricity and still dark today

Home does not have drinking water has suffered throughout my life the whole of the former regime corrupt killed a thousand people from the Egyptian people do not care and attention even though your government deprives and sanctifies dignity American citizen has gets all his rights without suffering even an animal has obtained all rights through associations Humane Animal

His Excellency Mr. President Barak Obama sent to you my story


Mr. Fadil I have lived my life all suffer from injustice and corruption, bribery and nepotism in the era of deposed President Hosni Mubarak and the gang Forty Thieves have wronged the most injustice did not find who stands next to me did not based on Nasrta one even left Cairo where you live 4 - Street bridge Bakri after disruption and narrow the case come to work and stay Bgelovana 3 division groves SE Center Belbeis Sharkia After years has a wife and parents second Andalh Labib on Khalil wife bought a piece of land of Hafez thanks and Associates owners Valley Company for the sale and division of land registered number 1176 for the year 1989 and then had my mother Zainab Mohammed Sibai Khatib purchase this space from wife and parents second and has to build a house and then left me held by the family and I we found a fierce war of Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Abu nest owner group of companies Sekem Bbulbas where he exploits the strong relationship with President deposed and his two sons Alaa and Gamal and all ministers and governors East in the Mubarak era Harbena so badly he Bhbsa issues fabricated fabricated display including that it does Peixry in front of everyone because the purpose of it because it has the land next to the house he bought from the same company and the rest of the space there with him took by force was the issue instructions to his men armed that they Barhabiy for that I surrender and leave my house to them at any price and this is what happened, of course, with me sent his men to me and to the idea of ​​selling to Mr. Dr. Ibrahim Abu nest imposed sales, there was threats and intimidation to me and my children on an ongoing basis ..

  Abu the nest Toadena revenge Mona and former regime helped him to do so ..

On any company workers who transfer straw Alerzotchounh land company adjacent to the house where there is street interval width of 8 meters and Ostmrhma Alomrlmayor days On any flare in the rice straw so I did Bakhtarmdiralcherkh film is listening to me so I went to the police station Belbeis to inform officials and work Mhoudrbaharik but I did not find interesting been refused work record me but Vajit then that lawyer company Khadr Makki I that presented a communiqué against me accusing me that I perpetrator not prayed and I escaped from Cairo on the crisis issues arose police arrest on a charge of arson in the rice straw was working Mahdharbno. 10,826 in 20 / 9/2007 Administrative Belbeis were investigations by the police station Belbeis, prosecution and investigations detective and the efforts of Chief of Detectives Belbeis Secretary Salah, who did not hesitate for a moment, who confirmed that the fire was not caused by arson and that my relationship with this fire-existent completely and there are differences between the Sekem and between the accused Ahmed Abuajajh as confirmed the Criminal Investigation and criminal lab in his absence raised material flammable gasoline important fire and Hua one who consequent decision on behalf Belbeis to criminal prosecution and restricted number 34,384 for the year 207 Misdemeanor Belbeis against unknown on 3/3/208 and restricted number 2242 for the year 208 kidneys Zagazig case did not terminated on that ...

Incidents of unintended purpose, including the murder of my sons ..

 Not only company officials for this purpose, but was incitement to my sons and beaten degrees steam cars on the main road leading to the house returning from school and every time it is reported to the police did not you arrest one did not you missed the return of our rights so the former regime ...

Did not recognize my wife or Osama these threats ..

The war has Henwaalana from everywhere and we opened the gates of hell just because we do not .. Did we sell instigated a men which Reda Gomaa who go home on the pretext purchase requests where there is room out the window we used "grocery store" and has photographed without her knowledge came on the second day holds paper and asked her to sign it and when my wife asked him he told her that he held a customary proved when he married her Venhalt attic curses Fahadha picture taken by without her knowledge while he was buying requests from the shop and when the return of my wife told me this Alomrpedt work Ptharirmhoudreddh Police Department Belbeis was presented Mahdharaly Mr. prosecutor Belbeis then intervened parents were hearing customary house Mohamed Hassan and the presence of Mr. Nasser Mohammed attorney for me and my wife did not continue the session to the end because the prosecution witness who saw the image on the Tel collected satisfaction is his cousin Mohammed .. Gomaa is the only witness who evade the meeting.

Elimination not Ancefna and issue of compensation Calm not:

After court ruling Beraúty of issue attributed to by Sekem, which restricted against unknown based on statements Chief of Detectives Belbeis before the prosecutor said sovereignty that there personal dispute between me and the Sekem you raise Silver compensation for the right B from physical damage, psychological and literary and internationalized issue a full year the case was dismissed and then resumed again and then also rejected and the judge described the case Ead Kenana Where maliciousness and Kanana in the case, which accused the injustice even eliminate wasted my right was the Bansafa even once

Home shrine since fifteen years without electricity and without drinking water ...

 Exploited company relationship strong with officials Sharkia all stakeholders of electricity, drinking water and city council Belbeis and Local Unit Kafr Ayoub Bbulbas not the official one being with me for the introduction of electricity to my house and Amiah drinking filed grievances are many and sending letters registered and faxes to all ministers, but they were all hired a businessman who been Iharbna for more than fifteen years continuously ....

Made after the revolution to buy electricity transformer on my own expense ...

 Applied for all state officials beginning of the Prime Minister and through the Minister of Electricity and governor of East First Undersecretary of the Ministry of Electricity and already there were all approvals, inspections, and documents and assay by their Directorate electricity Sharqia and when you pay the value of the assay intransigence engineer in charge Magdi Jeez and hit all these approvals wall despite approval Undersecretary Engineer Desouki paying the amount demanded and the launch of the current .......

 For this I want to help in the payment of the required value of the assay and the dark lighting, household fifteen years ago ..

In making this cry of President Barak Obama is to stay with me as I made to buy electricity transformer from the Directorate of Electricity East and has been approved by the officials and when made to hand over documents to the Engineer Majdi Jeez has rejected documents citing that he wants visa says Sharing Plug due to personal circumstances

 I ĂŃĚćÇ you to kindly agree to hand over all the papers and pay the value of the converter and we are waiting for a response Your Excellency

To request you very much

Introduction to you /

 Ahmed Abu Ajajh Abdul Hamid Sheikh



صحفى محمود ابو مسلم الموقع أخبار رياضية – ثقافية- فنية- اجتماعية –حوادث وتحقيقات- زورنا على مواقعنا الإخبارية والإعلامية 01280688635 01023399536

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نشرت فى 17 أكتوبر 2012 بواسطة msALm

جريدة أخبار الجمهورية الدولى الالكترونى

الأخبار الفنية الرياضية السياسية - التحقيقات- قضايا المجتمع - قضايا المرأة -حوادث - بريد القراء - صالة التحرير- أعلانات - »

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