Integration between cover crops and weed control treatments on weeds and improved sugarcane productivety


Abed Al-Raheem*, A. G., M.A. Ali,  Abd El-Lattief**. E. A and M. S., Mekky*

*Weed Research Laboratory, FCR, Agric. Res. Center, Giza-Egypt




Two filed experiments were carried out at Al-Mattana Agricultural Research station, Agricultural Research Center, Luxor Governorate (Upper Egypt) during 2015/16 and 2016/17 seasons, to study the effect of intercropping soybean (cover crops) with sugarcane crops, sole sugarcane and weed control treatments i.e. (Stomp at1.75 l/fed, hand hoeing twice at 25 and 45 days after planting and unweeded check) as the integrated weed control on fresh and dry weight of weeds (g/m2) and yields of primary crop (sugarcane) and second crops soybean which intercropping with sugarcane in natural infested soil by weeds. The experiment was laid out randomized complete block design (RCBD) under split plot, intercropping treatments was put in the main plots and weed control treatment in split plots with four replications for each treatment.

The infestation rates in field experiments were (8.79 ton/fed) broad-leaved weeds, (8.66 ton/fed) grassy and (17.45 ton/fed) total weeds in 2015/16 season and (11.86 ton/fed) broad-leaved weeds, (7.05 ton/fed) grassy weeds and (18.91 ton/fed) total weeds in 2016/17 season. Intercropping soybean with sugarcane reduced fresh weight of total weeds at 75 DAP about 56 to 59%, improvement sugarcane growth characteristics such as stalk length, diameters, number of stalk/fed and number of internodes/stalk which reflected on cane yield and sugar yield (ton/fed.) as well as about 4.2 – 4.8 ton green forage crop soybean (Secondary crop) in both seasons, compared to sole sugarcane.

          Weed control by hand hoeing twice and Stomp at the rate 1.75 l/fed reduced fresh weight of total weeds at 75 DAP about (81+ to 85+%) and (69 to 72%), respectively, compared to unweeded check, and increased stalk and top yield (ton/fed.) of sugarcane than unweeded check in average both seasons.

          The interaction effect between intercropping soybean with sugarcane and weed control treatments were significantly decreased fresh weight of total weeds, improved sugarcane growth characters, cane and top yield (ton/fed.) of sugarcane, compared to the sole sugarcane and without weed control. Intercropping soybean and without weed control treatments reduced fresh weight of total weeds at 75 DAP by (71.71 and 70.01%) than sole sugarcane and without weed control treatments. Hand hoeing twice reduced fresh weight of total weeds at 75 DAP by (93.78 and 87.91%) with sole sugarcane and by (87.78 and 87.66%) with intercropping soybean in 2015/16 and 2016/17 seasons, compared to sole sugarcane and without weed control. Stomp at 1.75 l/fed. reduced fresh weight total weeds at 75 DAP by (85.24 and 84.35%) under intercropping soybean and by (75.45 and 80.42%) under sole sugarcane in 2015/16 and 2016/17 seasons, compared to sole sugarcane and without weed control.

          From this investigate cane be recommended to sowing sugarcane fields intercropping with soybean legume crop as the forage crops and weed control by hand hoeing twice or Stomp at the rate of 1.75 l/fed. to overcome on weeds problems and increased sugarcane productivity as well as increased gross income by productivity the second crops (soybean as a forage crops).


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