عدد 374 مقال تحت قسم كتب باللغة الإنجليزية
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الترتيب حسب
639.5942/G.S Science and the British Fisheries Chapter 1: Chapter 4: Plankton and Fisheries Biology Chapter 5: Benthos and the Shellfish of Commerce Chapter 6: The Pelagic Phase Chapter 7: The
636.0985/B.V 1. General introduction 2. The essentials of drug action 3. The fate of drugs in the body 4.
Viroses Section - Bacterioses Section - Mycoses Section - Protozoan Diseases Section - Metazoan Parasitic Diseases Section - Toxicological Pathology Section- Teratological and Neoplastic Diseases Section - Epidemiology/Epizootiology
636.0897/O.D Gangrene, Ulcers, Sinus and Fistula Wounds and Physical Lesions Tumours and Cysts Affections of Tissues General Considerations Operations
Sustainable Aquaculture: Global Perspectives
639.80954/B.S Indian Aquaculture Bottom Soil and Water Quality Management in Shrimp Ponds Pond Fertilization Regimen: State-of-the-Art The Otelfingen Aquaculture Project: Recycling of Nutrients from Waste Water in a Temperate Climate
The Atlantic Ocean- North and South Natural Bases of Fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean: Their Past and Present Characteristics and Possibilities for Future Expansion Fishery Conservation in the Atlantic Ocean
Bacterial Fish Pathogens Disease in Farmed and Wild Fish
639/A.B The Structure of Fish The meaning of disease in relation to fish Anaerobic Pathogens Gram-Positive bacteria: the ‘Lactic acid bacteria’ Aerobic Gram-positive rods and cocci (Excluding the lactobacilli) Aeromonadaceae
Chapter 1- The history of aquaculture Chapter 2- Water Quality Chapter 3- Culture systems Chapter 4- Pumps and
1 – Definitions of Growth 2 – The Biochemical and Genetical Determinants of Selection for Growth 3 – The Hormonal Control of Growth at Puberty 4 – Growth and the
Men and Fish- What is a Fish? Body Covering - Framework The Senses and Nervous System The Air – Bladder - Internal Workings Reproduction and Growth Trout and Salmon -
Aquaculture - (Forms of aquaculture – The status of the aquaculture industry – Organisms cultured – Finfish culture) Energetics - (Definition of energetic – Factors affecting energy partitioning
Chapter 1: Trophic Levels and Optimal Foraging Theory Chapter 2: Mouth and Sense Organs Chapter 3: Feeding Variability Chapter 4: Plant-Eating Fish Chapter 5: Detritus Feeders Chapter 6: Particulate Feeding
Chemical Technicians’ Ready Reference Handbook
Disease in Farmed and Wild Fish
The Structure of Fish The meaning of disease in relation to fish Anaerobic Pathogens Gram-Positive bacteria: the ‘Lactic acid bacteria’ Aerobic Gram-positive rods and cocci (Excluding the lactobacilli) Aeromonadaceae representatives
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