Technical Report

Marine aquaculture development in Egypt

On job training report


During the production season 2012-2013 in the K21 hatchery, the IAM Bari, in the framework of the technical assistance activity of the project “Marine Aquaculture Development in Egypt – MADE” financed by the Italian Egyptian debt for swap development program, organized and performed an on job training course for 12 engineers coming from several Egyptian universities and related to GAFRD, all the staff was already in force in the K21 hatchery.

This course follows the course carried out in May 2012, made in an Italian hatchery (Jonica), where the trainees, in 15 days, worked and learned some techniques in a modern intensive hatchery.

The aim of the training is to provide future hatchery managers with the tools to produce marine fish fingerlings, adopting modern techniques fitting them to the actual Egyptian hatchery con0ditions, while preparing them to work in new modern hatcheries that should installed in the next future in Egypt.

The first one will be built beside the actual K21 hatchery, in the frame work of the MADE project.

The course went through all the phases of the fingerlings production:-

  • Live food production
  • Management and spawning induction of the brood stocks
  • Eggs management
  • Larval rearing techniques (various)
  • Weaning procedures
  • Nursery management
  • Quality and size selection
  • Selling activities

The trainees have been distributed in the different facilities and they were swapped over the productive season in order to let them being acquainted with different techniques.

They were provided with tabs for the correct procedures especially regarding the larval feeding. All the procedures have been shown in detail and they were followed daily in the operations performed.


  1. Man power
  2. Live food production
  3. Brood stocks
  4. Eggs management
  5. Larval rearing weaning stage
  6. Nursery
  7. Selections
  8. Selling procedures

***for more pleased visit the library***

Prep/ Asmaa Ahmed

Manage/ Mona Mahmoud

المصدر: MADE

ساحة النقاش

مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية

عنوان الهيئة: القطعة رقم (210) بالقطاع الثانى-حى مركز المدينة-التجمع الخامس-القاهرة الجديدة- Email: »


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