Marine Aquaculture Development in Egypt

Italian Egyptian Debt SWAP Program

Technical Report

Marine Aquaculture Development in Egypt

Best Management Practice for Cage Farming

May 15.2012, Alexandria, Egypt.


Improve Compliance Sanitary Standards in the aquaculture sector.

Worldwide the aquaculture sector is adopting sanitary standards in order to guarantee a high level of health and consumer protection. These standards find also application for raw and processed fish products, whatever the origins.

This, together with domestic regulation, pose a series of challenge for Egyptian fish producers and exporters that need to meet those requirements in view of penetrating foreign markets and expanding market shares.

Indeed, the fish farming sector in Egypt remains mainly artisanal; there is few export towards external markets despite of production that is estimated in about 900.000 tons in 2011.

The growth of population is the main reason to implement aquaculture to provide a safe source of low cost proteins. Apart from poultry sector, fishery and husbandry cannot sustain such a growth.

At the same time aquaculture creates job opportunities for some of the most socio-economically disadvantaged i.e. the least educated, rural communities, poor and women.

Fish as Food

" Fish is a food of excellent nutritionan value, providing high quality protein and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals" (FAO)

Fish, even in small quantities, can have a significant positive impact in improving the quality of dietary protein by complementing the essential amino acids that are often present in low quantities in vegetable-based diets.

But recent research shows that fish is much more than just an alternative source of animal protein. Fish oils in fatty fish are the richest source of a type of fat that is vital to normal brain development in unborn babies and infants. Without adequate amounts of these fatty acids, normal brain development does not take place.

The present manual attempt to display and to define all actions to achieve the better control of rearing, harvesting and post harvesting according with laws and regulations to obtain quality and safe aquaculture products intended for human consumption.


     1 - Introduction

<!--[if !supportLists]-->      · Improve Compliance Sanitary Standards in the aquaculture sector

<!--Fish as food

     2 -  <!--[endif]-->Part 1

<!--The Site selection

<!--Cage site

<!--Landing site and facility

<!--[if !supportLists]-->          ·    Water quality

<!--Cage construction

<!--Buying Fingerlings


<!--Entrance check

<!--Preparing to transfer in cages

<!--Cage cleaning


<!--Size selection

<!--Health monitoring

     3 -  <!--[endif]-->Part 2

<!--Cage Farm Staff



<!--[if !supportLists]-->          ·   Pest Control

<!--Staff training

<!--Staff hygiene: internal regulation code

     4 - Part 3

<!--[if !supportLists]-->          ·   The breeding

<!--[if !supportLists]-->          ·   Receiving of ingredients/feeds


<!--Feed formulation

<!--Sea Bass and Sea Bream food regime

<!--[if !supportLists]-->          ·   Veterinarian substances

<!--Harvesting activities

<!--[if !supportLists]-->          ·   Fish storage

<!--Traceability of the product

     5 -  <!--[endif]-->Part 4

<!--The HACCP system

<!--[if !supportLists]-->          ·   Flow chart

<!--Hazards Identification

<!--[if !supportLists]-->          ·   Control Points (CP)

<!--Development of the monitoring program

<!--Training to hygiene

<!--Maintaining farm's documentation

<!--Potential market strategies

     6 - Reeferences

<!--Eu Legislation

<!--Codex Alimentarius,FAO

<!--US. Food and drugs administration

<!--[if !supportLists]-->          ·   Others suggested readings

<!--Useful websites

***for more please visit the library***

 Prep. / Ayman Ashry

Manage. / Mona Mahmoud

المصدر: Marine Aquaculture Development in Egypt - MADE

ساحة النقاش

مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية

عنوان الهيئة: القطعة رقم (210) بالقطاع الثانى-حى مركز المدينة-التجمع الخامس-القاهرة الجديدة- Email: [email protected] »


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