Approaches to Research on the Systematics of Fish-Borne Trematodes


Jitra Waikagul
Urusa Theankham


“Approaches to Research on the Systematics of Fish-Borne Trematodes” is aimed to serve as a guide book for the student in Parasitology, Biology, or Molecular Biology, or for any young researcher who is interested in studing fish-borne trematodes, in particular on their morphological identification and genetic makeup.

In-depth knowledge of medically important fish-borne trematodes is well known in their endemic regions, but some coexistent species are not known or have been reported as the better-known species. Eggs of small liver and minute intestinal flukes are similar in morphology and sizes, causing difficulty in microscopic diagnosis. On the other hand, many species of minute intestinal flukes exits in the same regions, and some of these concomitant species are not known to laboratory workers and may be reported as well-known species in the area. Hence the present knowledge may not reflect the true situation: in particular, the prevalence of major species of fish-borne trematodes – small liver flukes may be over reported, while intestinal flukes may be under reported. It is important to realize the gap and to work to produce new knowledge to bridge the gap existing at present.


Chapter 1:- Medically Important Fish-Borne Zoonotic Trematodes.

Chapter 2:- Collection of Fish-Borne Trematodes from the Final Host.

Chapter 3:- Collection of Fish-Borne Trematode Cercaria.

Chapter 4:- Collection of Fish-Borne Trematodes in Infective Stage from the Fish: The Second Intermediate Host.

Chapter 5: Molecular Systematics of Fish-Borne Trematodes.

Chapter 6:- Methods of Molecular Study: DNA Sequence and Phylogenetic Analyses.

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Prep/ Asmaa Ahmed
Manage/Mona Mahmoud

المصدر: Academic Press - Oxford - New York

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مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية

عنوان الهيئة: القطعة رقم (210) بالقطاع الثانى-حى مركز المدينة-التجمع الخامس-القاهرة الجديدة- Email: [email protected] »


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