Bacteria and Fungi from Fish and other Aquatic Animals

(A Practical Identification Manual)

2nd Edition


Nicky B. Buller


Fish and other aquatic animals (farmed and wild) are prone to bacterial infections in the same way as terrestrial animals, especially when stressed. Disease may occur systemically or be confined to external surfaces such as the skin or gills. In many instances, the pathogenic bacteria are ubiquitous in the environment, or may from part of the normal internal bacterial flora of an aquatic animal. One study suggested that up to 28 different Vibrio species may be found in the hepatopancreas (104 CFU/g), intestine and stomach (106 FUC/g) of healthy shrimp. Vibrio species identified included V.alginolyticus, V. parahaemolytics, V .cholerae as well as photobacterium damselae. In diseased states only one or two Vibrio species are found (Gomez-Gill et al., 1998). Therefore, many factors need to be considered in making a disease diagnosis, such as clinical signs and symptoms, pathology, amount of growth of the cultured bacteria, the numbers of different species cultured, the tissue site from which it was isolated, and the sterility of the specimen collection (Lightner and Redman 1998).

Bacterial microflora on the surface of fish are heterogeneous in their salt requirement for growth. This requirement for salt (halophilic)is usually retained after serial subculture. Likewise, the gut of fish can be composed almost exclusively of halophilic vibrios (Simidu and Hasuo, 1968; Lis-ton, 1957). Therefore, when attempting culture for pathogens, their salt requirement needs to be taken into account. This also applies to the biochemical identification tests.


Photographs of Culture and Microscopic Appearance of Organisms.

  • Aquatic Animal Species and Organism Relationship.
  • Bacteriological Culture Techniques: Microscopy, Culture and Identification.
  • Biochemical Identification Tables.
  • Technical Methods.
  • Fungi, Yeasts and Oomycetes from Fish and Other Aquatic Organisms.
  • Techniques for the Molecular Identification of Bacteria.
  • Preparation of Media for Culture and Identification.


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Prep/ Asmaa Ahmed
Manage/ Zeinab Osman


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