Bibliography on Estuarine Fisheries of India (1948-2000)


Sukla Das – Anjali De – Fatik Manna

Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute


Estuaries constitute a major fisheries resource of our country. The principal estuarine system in India pertain to the rivers Ganga in West Bengal (Hoogly-Matlah estuarine system); the Mahanadi in Orissa; the Godavari and the Krishna in Andhra Pradesh, the Cauvery in Tamil Nadu and the Narmada and Tapti in Gujarat. The important brackish water lakes of the country are the Chilka in Orissa, the Pulicat in Tamil Nadu and Vembanad with connected backwaters in Kerala. The east of Kolokata city is gifted with vast low lying natural stuarine wetlands covering an area of about 40.000 ha where pisciculture is being practiced since long.In view of the immense importance of estuarine fisheries different research organizations are devoted in the estuarine fisheries research, resulting in the generation of huge volume of research information. Compilation of literature on this vast subject is a herculean task and I strongly believe that the present compilation work covering the literature on estuarine fisheries will be very useful for the researchers, students, planners and policy makers who are engaged in estuarine fisheries research and trade.

About the Bibliography:-

The Bibliography on Estuarine Fisheries of India, 1948-2000 has been complied in three parts comprising references pertaining to 1948-1980, 1981-1989 and 1990-2000 in one volume with author and serial indices. The contents of this Bibliography refer to the work done by Indian Scientists in the field of estuarine and brackishwater, backwater and coastal area fisheries and estuarine wetlands.

The references have been collected mainly from the huge stock of CIFRI Central Library and the Library of the Kolkata Research Centre of the Institute.

*** For more pleased visit the Library***

Prep/ Asmaa Ahmed
Manage/ Zeinab Osman



المصدر: indian council of agricultural research - barrackore , kolkata

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مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية

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