
Laboratory Manual for the Culture of

Penaeid Shrimp Larvae


Granvil D.Treece & Michael E. Yates


            The manual does not purport to be a complete text on shrimp culture, nor even on larval culture. It is, rather, designed as an aid to a short general introductory laboratory course in shrimp culture. To this end, several sources were used, in some cases almost in tota. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all those who, wittingly or unwittingly, helped us. A bibliography is included herewith and acknowledgments are made at the end of the end of the manual.

In worldwide commercial shrimp aquaculture, penaeids are primarily culture. These species include monodon, japonicus, vannamei, stylirostris and others. Because P. vannamei is, at the moment, the most popularly cultured species in the western Hemisphere and is the most available to us; we have chosen to concentrate on its culture in this Laboratory manual. However, for the most part, he general techniques presented here can be used in the cultivation of any of the above species. Where applicable, the differences between the specific species will be mentioned.

To learn the conditions required for the survival of shrimps, zoologists have studied the natural environmental conditions of the various stages of metamorphosis and maturation. Hence, they have learned to raise shrimp through all phases of their development, including: maturation, spawning, hatching, larval rearing and grow-out. (See Figures 1 and 2 page 2). It is these ideal natural environmental conditions which we attempt to emulate in the Laboratory and commercial facility.

Table of contents:

Introduction to the Laboratory

Larval culture - Physiology

 Eyestalk Ablation – Algae

Artemia – Larval Diseases

***For more pleased Visit the Library***

Prep/ Asmaa Ahmed

REV/ Ayman Ashry

Manage/ Zeinab Osman



المصدر: Marine Advisory Service - Sea Grant College Program Texas A &M University - College Station, Texas
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