615.9 /W.M

Microscale Testing In Aquatic Toxicology
Advances, Techniques, and Practice

Edited by 

Peter G.Wells, PH.D –Kenneth lee, PH.D –Christian Blaise, D.SC


Microscale Testing at Various Biological and Phylogenetic Levels

Chapter 1: Immunoassays: Application for the Aquatic Environment

Chapter 2: Environmental Applications with Submitochondrial Particles

Chapter 3: Bioassays to Measure MFO Inducers in Effluents

Chapter 4: Enzyme Inhibition for Examination of Toxic Effects in Aquatic Systems

Chapter 5: Sponge Cells and Tissue as Biological Monitors of Aquatic Pollution 

Chapter 6: The Use of Fish Cells in the Toxicological Evaluation of Environmental Contaminants

Chapter 7: In Vitro Assays for Detection of Nongenotoxic Carcinogens

Chapter 8: Microbial Enzyme Assays for the Detection of Heavy Metal Toxicity

Chapter 9: ATP-TOX System – A Review

Chapter 10: Luminescent Bacterial Biosensors for the Rapid Detection of Toxicants 

Chapter 11: Stress-Responsive Luminous Bacteria for Toxicity and Genotoxicity Monitoring

Chapter 12: Microtox Toxicity Systems – Where They Stand Today

Chapter 13:Microtox Toxicity Test System – New Devolopments and Applications

Chapter 14: Measurement of Microbial Exoenzyme Activity in Sediments for Environmental Impact Assessment

Chapter 15: Small-Scale In Vitro Genotoxicity Tests for Bacteria and Invertebrates

Chapter 16: Recent Advances in Toxicity Test Methods Using Kelp Gametophytes

Chapter 17: Microplate Toxicity Tests with Microalgae: A Review

Chapter 18: Ecophysiological Considerations in Microalgal Toxicity Tests

Chapter 19: Development and First Validation of a “Stock-Culture free“Algal Microbiotest : The Algaltoxkit 

Chapter 20: Ciliated Protozoa as Test Organisms in Toxicity Assessments

Chapter 21: Development of a Protozoan Chemoattraction Inhibition Assay for Evaluating Toxicity of Aquatic Pollutants
chapter 22: Ciliate Microbiotest Applications: Metal Contaminants in Water and Soil

Chapter23: Utility and Practical Considerations for In Vitro Developmental Toxicity Testing: Hydra and FETAX Assays

Chapter 24: Microscale Bioassays for Corals

Chapter 25: The Use of Larvae and Small Species of Polychaetes in Marine Toxicological Testing

Chapter 26: Development of a Canadian Marine Toxicity Test for Whole Sediments Using Cultured Spionid Polychaetes

Chapter 27: Microscale Toxicity Testing with Rotifers

Chapter 28: Recent Advances in Microscale Toxicity Testing with Marine Mollusks

Chapter 29: Development and Validation of Toxkit Microbiotests with Invertebrates, in Particular Crustaceans

Chapter 30: Death by Mud: Amphipod Sediment Toxicity Tests

 Chapter 31: Physiological Dysfunction in Estuarine Mysids and Larval Decapods with Chronic Pesticide Exposure

Chapter 32: Aquatic Testing with Early Life Stages of Killifish

Chapter 33: Genotoxicity in Fish Embryos 

Chapter 34: Genotoxicity Tests in Amphibians – A Review

Chapter 35: Marine and Estuarine Porewater Toxicity Testing

Chapter 36: Correspondence of a Microscale Toxicity Test to Responses to Toxicants in Natural Systems

Chapter 37: Role of Microbiotests in contaminated Sediment Assessment Batteries

Chapter 38: The Influence of Particle Size, Ammonia, and Sulfide on Toxicity of Dredged Materials for Ocean Disposal

Chapter 39: Oil Spill Treating Agents: Present Knowledge and Toxicity Testing Needs

Chapter 40: The Development, Validation, and Analysis of Salmonella Mutagenicity Test Methods for Environmental Situations

Chapter 41: Investigating the Sources and Fate of Genotoxic Substances in Aquatic Ecosystems with the SOS Chromotest

Chapter 42: The Development and Application of Sediment Toxicity Tests for Regulatory Purposes

Chapter 43: Microscale Testing in Aquatic Toxicology: Conclusions and Future Directions

Prep. / Asmaa Ahmed
Manage. / Huda Hosny

المصدر: CRC PRESS London - New York

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