Man and Medium, Past to Future




Introduction: the Pantanal

  • The environmental theatre
  • The evolutionary play
  • The freshwater part of the stage
  • The Pantanal
  • End of the overture

On Living in Water

  • Properties of water
  • Land and water habitats and the evolution of
  • aquatic organisms
  • Time and fleetingness – a fundamental difference between freshwater and marine ecosystems

From Atmosphere to Stream: the Chemical Birth of Fresh waters

  • Dissolving of atmospheric gases and the acidity of rain
  • Contribution of sea spray to rain
  • Atmospheric pollution
  • The composition of watr draining from the catchments
  • Effects of soil development and vegetation on the chemistry of drainage waters
  • Effects of human activities on the composition of drainage waters
  • The water rolls downhill

Erosive Streams and Rivers

  • Upland streams – three general questions
  • Sources of food and energy flow in erosive streams
  • Stream communities
  • Erosive streams and human activities
  • Alterations to upland streams by human activities

Lowland Rivers, their Floodplains and wetlands

  • Submerged plants
  • Growth of submerged plants
  • Methods of measuring the primary productivity of  submerged plants
  • Submerged plants and the river ecosystem
  • Further downstream – swamps and flood-plains
  • Swamp and marsh animals
  • Human societies of floodplains
  • Floodplain fisheries
  • Modification of floodplain ecosystems
  • Drainage and other alterations to floodplain ecosystems
  • Lowland river channels
  • Interbasin transfers and water needs

Lakes, Pools and Other Standing Waters: Some Basic Features of their Productivity

  • Exorheic lakes
  • The essential features and parts of a lake
  • General models of lake production
  • Eutrophication and acidification – human-induced changes in the production of lakes
  • Acidification
  • Variations on the theme – other standing waters

The Plankton and Fish Communities of the Open water of Lakes

  • The structure of the plankton community – phytoplankton
  • Microconsumers of the phytoplankton – bacteria
  • Protozoa and fungi – zooplankton
  • Fish in the open-water community
  • Functioning of the open-water community
  • Seasonal change in the plankton
  • Practical applications of plankton biology: treatment of eutrophication by biomanipulation in deep lakes

The Littoral and Profundal Communities of Lakes

  • A variety of habitats – submerged plant communities in lakes
  • Competition between submerged plants and phytoplankton
  • Bare rocks and sandy littoral habitats
  • Relationships between the littoral zone and the open water
  • The Profundal benthos
  • Influence of the open-water community on the Profundal benthos

Fish and Fisheries in Lakes

  • Some basic fish biology
  • Choice of fish for a fishery
  • Measurement of fish production
  • Commercial fisheries
  • The North Buvuma Island fishery
  • Approximate methods for yield assessment
  • Changes in fisheries
  • Fish culture
  • Still-water angling

The Birth, Development and Extinction of Lakes

  • Man-made lakes
  • The development of lake ecosystems
  • Sources of information in sediments
  • Examples of lake development
  • Filling in of shallow lakes
  • Patterns in the development of lakes and the concept of natural eutrophication

Fresh Waters, the World and the Future

  • Trends in freshwater scince
  • Advances in monitoring techniques
  • Solving the problems
  • Alternative states and human societies

Prep./ Khaled Shrief
Manage./ Huda Hosney

ساحة النقاش

مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية

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