Plankton And Fisheries

John Grahame


Lecturer In Zoology And Ecology

University Of Leeds


<!--Circulation In The Oceans .

Circulation In The Atlantic, Circulation In The Pacific, Circulation In The Indian Ocean, Circulation In The Southern Ocean, Coriolis Force And Its Consequences, Western Boundary Intensification, Upwellings, Stratification And Seasonal Overturn.

<!--Light And Nutrients .

Light In The Sea, Nutrients.

<!--The Autotrophic Plankton .

The Organisms, Buoyancy, Dinoflagellate Vertical Distribution, Phytoplankton Cell Size, Phytoplankton Succession, Phytoplankton Cell Size In The Sea, Patchiness.

<!--Primary Production And Production Cycles .

The Estimation Of Primary Production, Seasonal Patterns At Mid-Latitudes, High-Latitudes – The Polar Seas, Upwellings, The Oceanic Gyral Regions, The Overall Picture.

<!--The Heterotrophic Plankton .

Seasonal And Vertical Migration, Heterotroph Feeding, Sources Of Food For Calanoids, Superfluous Feeding, Carnivory.

<!--Planktonic Food Webs .

Terms And Concepts, The Fate Of Fixed Carbon, Food Chains And Fisheries.

<!--The Biology Of Commercially Important Fish .

Species And Stocks, Food, Reproduction And Recruitment, Environmental Changes And Fish Populations.

<!--Whales .

Nomenclature, Biology Of Whales, Whales And The Antarctic.

<!--Fishing And Overfishing .

Animal Populations, Population Growth, Fishery Regulation.


Prep./ Nabila Elnagdy



المصدر: edward arnold

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