Cell and Molecular Biology


S. C. Rastogi


Understanding of the mechanism of life processes can be achieved through the study of cell, which is the common denominator of the living systems. Earlier holistic approaches to the study of cellular phenomena contributed to phenomenal growth of our knowledge about the cell, yet a biochemical approach was needed to appreciate the chemical basis of life and the relevance of structure to function. By early 1953, the discovery of DNA duplex by Watson and Crick and subsequently breaking of the genetic code revolutionised our knowledge of the basic mechanism of life processes. It enabled biologists to take a reductionist approach to examine the cell in its ultraminute details at the molecular level. Hence, emerged an era of molecular biology, generating a wave of excitement that had an accentuating effect both on the teaching and research of biology. It was understood that the living matter is governed by the laws of thermodynamics, and hence it cannot be treated outside the domain of physical and chemical laws.

 The classical disciplines of cytology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics  , biophysics and microbiology fused into one common structure called molecular biology. This merger helped in realising an inextricable relationship between structure and function of the cell and marked the end of an analytical form of enquiry and the beginning of a synthetic science. Breathtaking development in the field of molecular biology demonstrated the ability to modify DNA and thereby organisms it controls. This attracted worldwide attention.

Advances in molecular biology in the early sixties were largely due to the academic interest and commitment to the development of knowledge. However, by the 1970s, the interest completely changed from academic to commercial, owing to the emergence of recombinant DNA technology or genetic engineering. The impact of this new field of science and technology opened up innumerable possibilities both for science and for society. The development of genetic engineering techniques signified a quantum leap in our power to control genetic constitution of living things to enhance medical and industrial capabilities. We have now reached a stage where progress in the science of biology has important repercussion on human life and its survival.

The purpose of this book is to examine these exciting developments, and make them accessible to the students. Throughout the text, a molecular approach to the study of cell has been followed, and importance of physical sciences to the study of living systems has been emphasised. Written primarily for the undergraduate student, it does not assume any prerequisites or prior preparation of the subject.


Part I: Functional Organisation of the Cell

Chapter 1 : Structural Organisation of Life

Chapter 2 : Chemical Basis of Life

Chapter 3 : Energy Transformation and Biological Catalysis

Chapter 4 : Energy Metabolism

Chapter 5 : Cell Environment and Surface Architecture

Chapter 6 : Plasma Membrane: Structure and Functions

Chapter 7 : Cytoplasmic Matrix and Endomembrane System

Chapter 8 : The Nucleus

Chapter 9 : Cell Growth and Division

Part II: Molecular Biology of the Cell

Chapter 10 : Characterization and Sequence Determination

Chapter 11 : Proteins II: Structure Determination of Higher Orders

Chapter 12 : Molecular Organisation and Behaviour of the Genome

Chapter 13 : DNA: The Genetic Material

Chapter 14 : Organelle Genomes

Chapter 15 : DNA Replication

Chapter 16 : Repair of DNA

Chapter 17 : Transcription

Chapter 18 : Translation

Chapter 19 : Protein Targeting and Post-Translational Modification

Chapter 20 : Genetic Recombination and Gene Transfer

Chapter 21 : Molecular Basis of Mutations

Chapter 22 : Genes and Regulation of Metabolism

Chapter 23 : Cell Motility

Chapter 24 : Nerve Cells and Excitation

Chapter 25 : Signaling Mechanisms

Chapter 26 : Cell Differentiation

 Part III: Special Topics

Chapter 27 : Bacteriophages

Chapter 28 : Molecular Biology of Ageing

Chapter 29 : Apoptosis

Chapter 30 : Biology of Cancer

Chapter 31 : Recombinant DNA Technology: Genetics Engineering

Chapter 32 : The Molecular Basis of Origin and Evolution of Life

Chapter 33 : Methods in Molecular Biology

Chapter 34 : Introduction to Bioinformatics

Chapter 35 : Production of Recombinant Proteins via DNA Technology

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 Prep. / Ayman Ashry

Manage. / Mona Mahmoud

المصدر: New Age International Publishers - New Delhi - India

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