Fish Pathology


DR. Nour el-Din Amin and DR. Mohy El-Said Easa


It is a pleasure to present this fine collection of the diseases of fish to all who deals with fish culture and breeding. Recently fish  culture Projects have been executed in different  governorates which created the necessaty of such book. Veterinarians all over the world are invoIved in this field and we are indebted to Prof Dr. El Sayed Fouad and Prof e Dr.M.R. El hindawy (1960) who early initiated this branch of specialization in Egypt.

This edition is a conprehensive and covers almost all know diseases which may occur in the Egyptian fish culture. As treatment and prophylactic measures are in corporated, early interference may prevent great losses.


1 - Classification of Fish Diseases

-  The Specificity of Causative Agents of Infectious Fish Diseases

-  Form of Infection in Fish

-  Types of Fish Infectious Diseases

-  Forms of Infectious Fish Diseases

-  Sources of Infection of Fish

-  Mechanism of Infection

- The Ways of Spreading the Infection

-  Control Measures and Prophylaxis of infectious Fish Diseases

-  Control of Infectious Fish Diseases

2 – Bacteriology of Fish

- Taxonomic Position of the Currently Recognized Bacterial Pathogens of Fishes

-  Bacterial Diseases Affecting Fish

3 – Virology of Fish

-  Viral Diseases Affecting Fish

-  Infectious Dropsy of Aquarium Fish

4 – Mycology of Fish

-  Mycotic Diseases of Fish

- Classification of Fungi Causing Diseases in Fish

- Clinical and Pathological Lesions

- Culture Media for Fungi

- Stain for the Fungal Structures

5 – Parasitology of Fish

-  Infestation Diseases of Fish

- Diagnosts of Invasive Fish Diseases

- Modes of Prophylaxis and Control of Infested Diseases

- Protozoal Diseases of Fish

- Ichthyophiriosis (white-spot diseases)

-  Diseases Caused by Trematodes

-  Diseases Caused by Crustacia

6 – Noninfectious Diseases of Fishes

-  Toxicity of Fish with Chemical agents

- Deficiency of Vitamins and it's effect on Fish

7 – Tumours of Fish

- Neoplasia of Teleosts

8 – Diseases of Aquaria Fishes

  ***for more please visit the library***

 Prep. / Ayman Ashry

Manage. / Mona Mahmoud


المصدر: المكتاب إهداء من عائلة المرحوم الدكتور / محمد خالد حسن - مدير عام الإدارة البيطرية بالهيئة سابقاً إلى مكتبة الهيئة

ساحة النقاش

مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية

عنوان الهيئة: القطعة رقم (210) بالقطاع الثانى-حى مركز المدينة-التجمع الخامس-القاهرة الجديدة- Email: [email protected] »


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