Microbiology of Fish and Fishery Products


F. Parthiban and S. Felix


        Indian fish production through wild catch and aquaculture has steadily increased to approximately 11.41 million metric tonnes in the years 2016-17. During the year 2016-17, a sum of Rs. 37,870.90 crore has been earned as foreign exchange through the export of Rs.11.34 lakh tonnes of fish products. Tamil Nadu has exported Rs. 5,308 crore worth seafood products in this year. Food safety is a concern facing the seafood industry today. There are extensive coverage in daily press on the food safety issues such as Salmonella , Vibrio cholerae , Listeria monocytogenes , transfer of antibiotic resistant microorganisms , quarantine issue related to viral pathogens , etc. that threatening the consumers . It is very essential to produce Fisheries Graduates with adequate knowledge on the above said aspects to tackle such food safety issues. 

        Microbiology of Fish and Fishery Products is a course in the curriculum of B.F.Sc. This manual provides detailed information on factors affecting microbial growth, spoilage and public health significance bacteria in fish and fishery products. It is also providing information on other microbial hazards such as viruses and shellfish poisoning. The techniques for isolation, identification and characterization of various microorganisms in fish and fishery products dealt with this manual. The contents of this manual will serve as an excellent study reference material for B.F.Sc. , M.F.Sc. , and Ph.D students for field and research purpose. 


1 – Introduction to Food Microbiology.

2 – Parameters Affecting Microbial Growth.

3 – Microorganisms in Fish and Fishery Products.

4 – Food-Borne Pathogens in Fish and Fishery Products.

5 – Other Microbiological Hazards in Fish and Fishery Products.

6 – Techniqes Involved in Study of Microorganisms.

        ***for more please visit the library***

 Prep. / Ayman Ashry

Manage. / Mona Mahmoud


المصدر: Daya Publishing House & Astral International PVT. LTD
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