



MCQs in Microbiology and Parasitology

(With Explanations)


D. R. Arora


The questions asked in the PG entrance examination are multiple questions. A large number of question in microbiology are asked in the examination. If a candidate is through in microbiology then he/she can easily attempt many infection-related MCQs in other subjects (e. g., surgery medicine, paediatrics, community medicine, etc.) also. Therefore, it is a high-scoring subject in PG entrance examinations. Most of the books available in the market deal with MCQs and answers only. No explanation of the correct and incorrect choices is given. Therefore, the candidate forgets the correct answers. This book gives explanation of correct answers and why the other choices are wrong. This helps the candidates to remember the correct answers.

The book has been divided into 15 chapters. The subjects covered are bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology. In the last chapter, image-based MCQs are given. Each question carries one photomicrograph or photograph and the candidate is asked to identify the correct choice. Explanation of the correct and incorrect choices is given. 


1 – General Bacteriology

2 – Systemic Bacteriology

3 – Virology

4 – Medical Mycology

5 – Clinical Microbiology

6 – Bacteriology of Water, Milk and Air, and Biological Warfare

7 – Quality Assurance of Microbiology

8 – General Parasitology

9 – Protozoology

10 – Helminthology

11 – Cestodes or Tapeworms

12 – Trematodes or flukes

13 – Nematodes

14 – Applied Parasitology, Diagnostic Procedures, Medically Important Arthropods, Quality Assurance and ethics

15 – Image-based MCQs

***For more please Visit the Library***

Prep. /Ayman Ashry

Manage. / Mona Mahmoud


المصدر: CBS Publishers & Distributors, India – 2017
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