Self- Assessment Color Review

Ornamental Fishes and Aquatic Invertebrates

2nd Edition


Gregory A. Lewbart


There have been many exciting changes in ornamental fish and aquatic invertebrate medicine since I edited the 1998 version of this self-assessment guide. At that time there were far fewer veterinarians practicing fish medicine than there are today.

Now virtually every major aquarium in the United States, and in many other countries, has at least one full time veterinarian, with some employing three or more. We have also witnessed on increased interest and awareness by traditional zoo veterinarians of the fish and invertebrate animals at their institutions. In addition to the International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine (IAAAM), we now have the World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association (WAVMA) and the American Association of Fish Veterinarians (AAFV). Veterinary participation in annual continuing education opportunities, such as the Eastern Fish Health Workshop, the Shark Reef Aquatic Medicine Seminar, and the Regional Aquatics Workshop (RAW), to list a few, is on the rise. These changes have allowed for an increased number of contributors to this edition while at the same time providing cases with more diagnostic and therapeutic depth and understanding.

Ornamental fish medicine is now included in many if not most veterinary curricula. This has sparked even more student interest in and awareness of fish and, in some cases, invertebrate medicine. There are also many more textbooks on these topics including at least two books on koi medicine alone. These factors combine to make the appearance of a second edition of this book both prudent and timely.

All of the cases and questions in this book are new, as are many of the contributors. Since this is a clinical work, the reader should keep in mind there can be more than one 'right' answer to many of the questions contained in these pages.

In fact the reader may come across contradictory information and ideas when comparing similar case scenarios. This can be a healthy and constructive exercise and mimics what one sees in day-to-day veterinary practice.


- Contributors

- Acknowledgments

- Picture acknowledgments

- Abbreviations

- Broad classification of cases

Dewy: 597.A.G

***For more please Visit the Library***

Prep. /Ayman Ashry

Manage. / Mona Mahmoud



المصدر: CRC Press – Taylor& Francis Group
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