lastest teardrrops of my blood
was streemd when you
was shelved me and then der
you wasnot be piter

lastest teardrops of my blood

was need you
lastested teardrops of my blood
Iwas sure that my heart 
is loving you 
the thing witsh cuting me 
that you himlited my pride
sure my tears will be aride
that my heart too high fidelity 
refusing your tag my milady
and heart milady
I promise you 
Iwillnot tray 
althogh an willed in my imaginnent
to see you
and willnot see my tears too expinsive

you more under my high insert



حبي وتقديري لكم ساندي توفيق

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نشرت فى 25 يناير 2013 بواسطة kattybarry

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