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Deutz Engine Screensaver - Flash movie showing the animated 3D construction of a motor engine

In response to lots of interest in the Deutz Engine screensaver, I have placed the Flash version on this site. Download (11.2MB) - (ctrl click to save file to desktop)
The animation shows a 3D DOHC 4 cylinder engine being constructed from a bare casting and shows the various components being bolted onto the engine block. When the assembly is complete, the engine begins to run, showing an individual cylinder running through all 4 strokes.
3rd Billericay Scouts recently completed the Mechanics badge, where we used this animation to teach our youngsters about how an engine works and the components found inside.
The only reason for making the Deutz Engine screensaver available here, is that it doesn't seem to exist any more at the original site.
Downloadable options:
Flash Version (all platforms 11.2MB) | Windows PC Screensaver installer (42.3MB)
رابط التنزيل اعلاه او هنا مرة اخرى ومساحته 45 تقريبا
منقول من موقع اجنبي
http://www.jonathansblog.net/deutz_e...ash_downlo ad
وتحياتي للجميع
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