Prized for their flower and foliage. Begonias are versatile and will perform well in anything from full sun to shady areas.


These long time favorites have benefited from the ongoing work of flower breeders, with a wide range of colors available to the flower gardener. Geraniums are on the least favorite food list of deer and will tolerate light frost. Grow in full sun. Remove spent flower heads for better appearance and bloom. Ivy geraniums are excellent in hanging baskets.

For areas with partial shade, impatiens are the top choice among flower gardeners.


The bright cheerfulness and sturdiness of marigolds make them an all-time favorite in flower gardens. Remove spent flower heads and plant in full sun.


Due to their tolerance of frost and colder temperatures, pansies are very popular for early spring plantings. Their smiling faces quickly brighten anyone's mood.


With the Wave™ variety of petunias, plant breeders brought new life to another all-time favorite. Petunias are known for their hardiness and season-long color. Grow in full sun.

Above: Pink Wave™ petunias make an excellent hanging basket



Salvia makes a good selection for sunny areas with active deer browsing, since deer tend to leave it alone.

المصدر: esamaziz


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14 تصويتات / 783 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 4 مايو 2011 بواسطة hedralandscape

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