Family: Agavaceae Scientific Name: Agave victoria-reginae forma "caespitosa" Origin and habitat: Agave victoria-reginae is endemic to the arid lower elevations of the Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains in northeastern Mexico (Huasteca canyon and adjacent areas just south of Saltillo). It grows in profusion on the steep slopes and near vertical cliffs of the canyon walls. While Agave victoria-reginae remains endangered in its native habitat, it has become very common in cultivation. Description: A. Victoria-reginae is a very slow growing but tough and beautiful Agave. It is consider the to be one of the most beautiful and desirable species. The caespitose form has smaller rosettes and form soon thick clusters up to 50 cm in diameter


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11 تصويتات / 474 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 11 نوفمبر 2010 بواسطة hedralandscape

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