الأسماك المستزرعه و المرشحة للأستزراع السمكى فى دولة الإمارات
محمد شهاب
Species Used and of Potential Use in Aquaculture n=18
Oreochromis aureus , Blue tilapia
Siganus canaliculatus , White-spotted spinefoot
Acanthopagrus berda , Picnic seabream
Acanthopagrus latus , Yellowfin seabream
Carangoides equula , Whitefin trevally
Ctenopharyngodon idella , Grass carp
Epinephelus areolatus , Areolate grouper
Epinephelus bleekeri , Duskytail grouper
Epinephelus coioides , Orange-spotted grouper
Lethrinus nebulosus , Spangled emperor
Lutjanus argentimaculatus , Mangrove red snapper
Lutjanus johnii , John's snapper
Lutjanus russellii , Russell's snapper
Rhabdosargus sarba , Goldlined seabream
Scomber japonicus , Chub mackerel
Seriola dumerili , Greater amberjack
Sillago sihama , Silver sillago
Trachinotus blochii , Snubnose pompano
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