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العالم 29/7/2020 الشرق الأوسط
تطوير أكياس تتحلل بالماء للحد من تلوث البحار والمحيطات
أعلنت شركة "ميتسوبيشي كيميكال" (Mitsubishi Chemical) اليابانية، تطويرها لأكياس بلاستيكية قابلة للتحلّل في المحيطات والبحار، في خطوةٍ منها للحدّ من نسبة المخلّفات والنفايات البلاستيكية فيها.واعتمدت الشركة في هذه الخطوة على الآلية عينها الّتي يتم بواسطتها تحليل النفايات في التّربة وتحويلها إلى سماد. فيما قال مسؤولون في الشركة إنّ الأكياس الجديدة مصنوعة من مكونات نباتية، كقصب السكر، حيث يمكن إذابتها بسهولة في مياه البحر. كما أشاروا إلى أنّ الأمر يستغرق نحو عام حتى يتحلل الكيس بشكلٍ كاملٍ في مياه البحر.
Argentina 4/8/2020 fis
Happy ending for the infected of Covid-19 in the Echizen Maru
The sixty-one crew members were released last Friday and part of the crew has already returned to their homes. On July 11 they entered the port of Ushuaia all infected, having been close contact of an infected on the flight that brought them from Buenos Aires. There was no self-criticism from the authorities.
Brazil 3/8/2020 fis
Study finds dangerous mercury levels in Amazon fish
Nearly one-third of the fish in the Brazilian Amazon state of Amapa have such high levels of mercury caused by illegal mining that they are dangerous for human consumption, according to a new study.
USA 3/8/2020 fis
Friend of the Sea Certifies for Sustainable Seafood Production Freshé brand and EcoFish
Friend of the Sea, the preeminent certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, announced that it has certified EcoFish Freshé brand for sustainable seafood production practices. The company demonstrated sound environmental practices. EcoFish Freshé can now display the Friend of the Sea eco-label on products.
Vietnam 31/7/2020 seafoodsource
Vietnam increased seafood production in July, but low pangasius prices hurting farmers
Vietnam was estimated to produce 740,500 metric tons (MT) of seafood in July, 4.6 percent higher year-on-year, with the growth seen in both farmed and wild-catch production,
Chile 30/7/2020 seafoodsource
Chile’s salmon aquaculture hub enters COVID-19 quarantine
Chile’s southern city of Puerto Montt, known as the hub of the country's salmon aquaculture sector, entered into quarantine as of 29 July, following a preventative decree from the Ministry of Health seeking to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Poland 30/7/2020 fis
Revolutionary invention for oyster farming
A Polish man has invented a revolutionary device that allows for three times more oysters within the same area of seabed.
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