Among the most common mental disorders that afflict the peoples affected by war and systems of sadism, is the "disorder post-traumatic stress." Thanks to the discovery of this turmoil of the Vietnam War in the seventies of the last century. Psychological studies have revealed the presence of half a million U.S. veterans suffering from this disorder 15 years after the end of the war ..

And other studies found that large numbers of Vietnamese, Cambodian and Lithuanian who have suffered decades of civil war, are living with the symptoms of mental illness. Because of what he did, "Pol Pot" the atrocities in Cambodia (said to be a quarter of Cambodia's seven million people died) and the flight of hundreds of thousands of them to Thailand, Europe, America and Canada, and settle them in the camps of their own .. Psychological studies have revealed that more than 20% of them suffer from the symptoms of this disorder .. Including:

Nightmares and disturbing dreams, sadness, worry, tension, anger and agitation, aggressive behavior, verbal and physical isolation and refrain from the practice of fun activities, apathy and emotional insensitivity, an inability to express feelings of love that leads to divorce, etc. ..

The studies also found that more than 25% of the population of the former Yugoslavia who have witnessed ethnic war, suffer from psychological trauma. Indeed, one study on Bosnian refugees to America to escape the war, reported that 65% of them suffered from this disorder.


Face in life everyday psychological pressure manifold, the pressure Stress is the events outside the individual, or requirements of exception it, or problems or difficulties to make it in an irregular situation causing a tension or constitute a threat fails to control it, and the resulting psychological problems are multiple.

I have been diagnosed with these disorders and studied systematically depending on the symptoms and prevalence of clarity, and scientific progress in the fields of psychology and psychiatry. Can be determined by "hysteria" as the first upset of the disorders that follow a set of events is pressing his description of symptoms and systematically, while the disorder is post-traumatic stress Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD another disorder in this group are recognized in the psychiatric classifications.

Despite the existence of previous ideas related to it, such as bomb shock Shell Shock and shock Nervous Shock.
In 1980, was recognized for the first time, disorder, post-traumatic stress PTSD, and in the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Guide U.S. DSM-III.

The main reason for the definition of this disorder, which described him now to the Vietnam war and I paid the results of these research questions about the patterns of severe pressure - not war - resulting in disorder after the pressure shock. Researchers found that the most common reason among women is rape, sexual as well as other reasons such as seeing someone die, or suffer from a gash, or exposure to a serious incident, or the discovery of infidelity.

The reasons were most common among men due to the experience of battle or to see someone dying. This disorder and PTSD is common among people who generally are exposed to natural and environmental disasters such as floods, earthquakes, fires, accidents, trains and planes ..

He thus became the disorder known among the people and recognized in the classifications of psychological, as described by revised edition of the guide diagnostic (DSM-III-R, 1987) as "any incident, be outside the response range of expertise typical of the individual, and caused him distress Psychological Distress, and the response of the victim the Mtsfah to "intense fear, horror, and helplessness."

With alerted the last edition of this guide psychiatric (DSM-IV, 1994) to the need to distinguish between the disorder after the pressure shock PTSD and traumatic stress disorder, acute Acute Stress Disorder, which used the second term to describe a situation where a similar quick recovery from the pressure of the incident traumatic, use disorder in the post-traumatic stress PTSD to describe a situation that does not get the quick recovery of the pressure.

Provides a classification of the World Health Organization's mental disorders and behavioral (ICD-10) disorder after the pressure shock PTSD within the category (F40 - F48) for neurosis and disorders related to the pressure physical appearance (Neurotic, Stress-related and Somatoform Disorders), and put it under the sub-category on "Responses to acute stress disorders and adjustment", which include five types:

 1. Acute stress reaction
(Actue Stress Reaction).

 2. Disorder post-traumatic stress.
(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).

 3. Adjustment disorders (Adjustment Disorders)

 4. The reactions of some other acute pressure
(Other Reactions to Severe Stress)

 5. Unspecified
(Unspecified) (P. 30)

This disorder is contained in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV, 1994) within the seventh axis on anxiety disorders Anxiety Disorders, which include both:
Phobias Phobia, and panic or panic Panic, generalized anxiety Generalized Anxiety, Obsessive and forced Obsessive - Compusive, and post-traumatic stress Posttraumatic Stress.

Symptoms and diagnostic criteria:

The Handbook describes the diagnostic (ICD-10) for the WHO in disorder after the pressure shock PTSD as a response to late for an event or situation compressor too, be of the nature of the threatening or catastrophic, cause distress psychologically for each of the exposed almost, for example: a disaster of man-made, or battle, or serious incident, or watch the death of another (others) in an incident of violence, or that the individual is a victim of torture, or terrorism, or rape, or any other crime.

This indicates the directory to the pre-season that the factors of personal attributes, or a history of neurotic illness, may help in the development or the revitalization of this disorder, but it is not necessary or sufficient to explain the occurrence.


The symptoms of this disorder are similar in each of the last two editions of the manuals (ICD-10) and (DSM-IV) and most of the researchers also .. We will define the symptoms of post-traumatic stress PTSD in three main categories, with the stipulation in the diagnosis is that the symptoms continue, each of which for more than a month, as follows:
First. Re-experience traumatic event.

This means that the patient regains the standard or remember the traumatic event experience. This is done by one or more of the following methods:

A. Nightmares or disturbing pain and frequent, related to the traumatic event (the most common symptoms).

B. Memories, ideas and perceptions of coercive and intrusive and repetitive for the event, causing grief and worry and tension.

C. Feeling as if the event will return to fall, and remember the event in the form of images or shadows.

D. Severe emotional upset alert for any spark memories of the traumatic event (see where the scene is like, see the person who was present hour event, see the funeral, and any alert reminds him of the traumatic event.
II. Avoid the alerts associated with the traumatic event.

Means the emergence of the individual responses Tjunbah were not found to have before being subjected to shock. And manifested symptoms of this standard to one or more of the following methods:

A. Avoid places or people or situations reminiscent of the individual traumatic event.

B. The expulsion of the ideas and emotions that remember the incident, and avoid talking about it with other individuals. May be forced to take drugs or alcohol or drugs to escape from everything reminded him of the incident.

C. Reduction in the exercise of one of the activities or hobbies that were practiced by and enjoy before the accident.

D. Significant emotional apathy, weakness, particularly the ability to feel love.

E. Stay away from others and their sense of isolation.
III. Symptoms of excessive arousal:

Means the emergence of arousal in an individual, were not present before exposure to trauma. The symptoms of this standard to one or more of the following:

A. Difficulties related to sleep, he woke in the night can not sleep again.

B. Bouts of anger or agitation, accompanied by aggressive behavior, verbal or physical.

C. A cautious, alert and very very difficult to relax.

D. Difficulties in focusing on the performance of the activity exercised by, or follow-up activity being in front of him.

E. The emergence of Ajaflh unusual to hear the patient sound a bell or telephone, and any other sound surprising, even when a person touches a sudden.

Although these symptoms are the main, there are other symptoms in infected individuals with this disorder such as anxiety, depression, and guilt, as well as having family problems, suicidal thoughts, and explosive violence.


Theoretical approaches to explain the reasons for disorder after the pressure shock:
There are many points of view in the interpretation of disorder after traumatic stress PTSD, most important of which are summarized as follows:
1. Go organic (biological): (Biological Approach)
This approach is based on the assumption that there are genetic factors, and Genetic Factors leading to the disruption after the pressure shock. We have verified this assumption by conducting multiple studies on twins. Found (Skreet al, 1993) the largest agreement in PTSD disorder between identical twins Identical Twins budget with fraternal twins Fraternal Twins is matched and concluded (Skre) and his colleagues that "the results support the assumption the contribution of genetics to cause Causation disorder after traumatic stress.

And reach (Trueet. al., 1993) to the same conclusion from a study conducted on a larger sample of twins aimed to identify the effects caused by exposure to combat, and found that the percentage of agreement was greater between identical twins compared to fraternal twin. The correlation coefficients for the symptoms of post-shock pressures ranging from 0.28 to 0.41 in identical twins, in these transactions ranged between fraternal twins between 0.11 to 0.24.

The (Foy et. Al., 1987) have reported evidence may have been related to the genetic hypothesis. Through reviews of individuals who were exposed to fighting for treatment, reached (Foy) and his group that nearly two-thirds of individuals with disorder, post traumatic stress because of exposure to combat, belonging to families with members affected by mental disorders. It follows that an individual who lives in a family where members complain of mental illness, the susceptibility or severity of events influenced by psychological shock is high, it leads to disorder PTSD.

2. Go Organic Chemical (Biochemical Approach)

Anazavi this approach as the perspective of organic (biological) is that it focuses on the factors "bio-chemical" has assumed a number of theorists (Krystal et. Al., 1989), for example, that exposure to accident Sdma Traumatic Event leads to damage to your system or the secretion of adrenal , and specifically to the increase in the levels of noradrenaline and dopamine Noradrenaline Dopamine, and an increase in the level of physiological arousal, such changes stemmed from a terrible response of fear and Flinch appear on the individual widely.

Studies indicate that there is some evidence to support the theory of biological life .. Found Costin and colleagues (Kosten et. Al., 1987) that the level of Alnoradrnalin and adrenalin was high in patients disorder, post-traumatic stress.
The Kolk and colleagues (Kolk et. Al., 1985) have found an increase in the levels of dopamine and Alnornalin in individuals who suffer from this disorder.

Other studies have pointed to an increase in heart rate and a rise in blood pressure and increase in the activity of the autonomic nervous system disorder in patients with post-traumatic stress. And reached the studies done on animals when exposed to the pressure that the conductors or neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters are chemicals that you connect to the nerves, disrupted work in individuals with the disorder.

There is another hypothesis its conclusion that the immune system in individuals who exhibit psychological disorders after a disaster, be weak. And psychological vulnerability Psycho-immunity makes the individual is unable to cope with a disaster or accident Sdma.

And concludes (Eysenck, 2000) of its review of a number of studies that patients stress disorder after traumatic stress actually differ from ordinary people in the readings of physiological and Albayukimawih standards. However, these changes do not show us life as a Biological cause disorder in the post-shock pressure. Orientation and life (biological) needs to expand more to take into account individual differences in sensitivity or susceptibility disorder, post-traumatic stress.
3 - psychological approach - dynamic (Psychodynamic Approach):

What is puzzling disorder in post-traumatic stress that can start to occur after months or years of exposure to the individual incident Sdma. Because Freud was counting shock of birth and the accompanying sense of newborn asphyxia as the experience of anxiety the first in human life, and that the method of psychoanalysis is seen conflicts unconscious that are rooted in childhood as the cause of mental disorders in general, the theorists, psychologists dynamic adopted this idea in their interpretation of disorder after traumatic stress.

Tried (Horowitz, 1986) interpretation of this theory of psychological disturbance dynamic conclusion that traumatic incident can make an individual feel completely confused, causing panic and exhaustion. Because these reactions are painful, the individual resorts to repression of ideas traumatic incident or deliberately suppressed. But this state of denial does not solve the problem, because the individual is not able to make the information on the traumatic incident, his information is integrated with the other, and form part of the sense of self.

It seems that the strong trend in the psychological - the dynamic Horowitz for Horowitz, he was able to provide us with a way to understand some of the major symptoms in this disorder. However, the theory did not provide us with an explanation regarding the existence of a real individual differences in susceptibility of individuals at risk of disorder, post-traumatic stress in their response to the events of shock.
4. Behavioral approach (Behavioural Approach):

Known to scientists behaviorist they neglect to genetic factors and features pre-season and experience unconscious has spoken about the character and mental disorders, and stress environmental factors and the importance of learning of both types (classical conditioning and conditioning procedural) in determining the behavior of both types, normal and abnormal, which are subject to the law and one is learning.

Based on this assumption were conducted multiple studies, including study of Ken and his group (Keane et. Al., 1985). According to the approach Alacherati disorder in post-traumatic stress, the classical conditioning in the time of a crash Sdma, causes the individual to acquire a conditional fear response to alert the normal unconditional.

Women - for example - that were subjected to rape in a public park may show great fear if I went to this park in the future, and perhaps this fear is being circulated to other parks. Accordingly, this fear is linked to an alert caused by an accident Sdma, the individual to pay what was termed Alslukion learning Altjunba Aviodance Learning, which leads then to reduce anxiety.

The researchers believe that the trend Alacherati is right in that it predicts that the high level of anxiety caused by the alert associated with an accident Sdma leads actually to conduct Avoid such alarm in patients with (PSTD), but it does not provide us with elaborate what happens, as well as it does not tell us Why do some people post-traumatic stress disorder as they were Sdma accident, while the others have been injured by the accident itself.
5. Cognitive approach (Cognitive Approach):

The cognitive perspective on the assumption that mental disorders caused by irrational thinking
About self and life events and the world in general.

Based on this assumption, the development of Foix and his colleagues (Foa et. Al., 1989) theory of cognitive disorder in post-traumatic stress, its conclusion that the events threaten our assumptions the normal shock
Normal or abnormal about the safety of our concept of what is safe. Women who have been exposed to rape, for example, may feel insecure in the presence of any man who was later offset, stemmed from the

"The border between safety and danger becomes clear," This leads the to the formation of structure Structure of the great fear in the long-term memory. And that individuals who have made up the structure of fear going through this experience will lack the ability to predict Predictability and poor control of their lives, and these are the reason for high levels of anxiety.

Similarly, see (Miller, 1995) that the individual is aware of the traumatic event that new information and curious about the cognitive scheme. Do not know how to deal with it, constitute a threat to the resulting disturbance in behavior. This idea is based on the theory of information processing Information-Process due to the fact Kelly (Kelly, 1955) which put different interpretations on the interpretations of the familiar in a timely manner about the anxiety, fear and threat.

Anxiety has been known as "the individual's awareness of the events that they faced outside the suitability of the system has the infrastructure." In the sense that human beings become anxious when they do not have to be built Structures, or while losing its grip on events, while he is afraid of a new structure when the show is about to enter its formative. The threat he feels when he realizes that there is a blanket change on the verge of falling into the structures of the system has.

Although the cognitive approach provides a reasonable description of some of the cognitive changes associated with the disorder after the shock pressure, it leaves things out of his calculations. It is not clear in the theory of Foa Foa, why have some individuals more vulnerable than others in the incidence of disorder, post-traumatic stress, did not tell us nothing about the genetic factors. They paid attention to focus on the traumatic incident, and omitted to talk about other factors.
6. Social factors (Social Factors):

Researchers see that one of the factors that help determine whether an individual is exposed to the incident Sdma, has a disorder will develop post-traumatic stress, is the extent to which this individual to assign a social worker. We have reached the Solomon and colleagues (Solomon, Mikulincer & Avitzur, 1988) from their study they conducted on Israeli soldiers who participated in the Lebanese war, that individuals who have received high levels of social attribution, they have few symptoms of the disorder
Post-traumatic stress. And that the soldiers who have demonstrated a significant reduction in symptoms of this disorder they had received during the three years the best social attribution. Aaznk indicates that there are other studies reached the same result (Eysenck, 2000). .

Reviewed in the past some of the details on the definition of post-traumatic stress disorder and its symptoms, and also the most important trends or models proposed by the theoretical basis to explain the causes of disorder after traumatic stress. We find that for the interpretations that each one provides an explanation of its own, different from other proposals.

It is remarkable to consider that some of these models has provided contradictory or contradictory interpretations (eg, behavioral versus Freudian interpretation, for example). However, the results of the studies support these interpretations, although different from each other or a contradiction ..

This means that the disorder post-pressure shock has multiple causes may be the experience of shock due to childhood, or Talmat inappropriate occurred on the laws of classical conditioning, or genetic factors, or irrational ideas resulting from the error in the understanding and treatment of known alien, etc. of factors. And it does not work separately, but an interactive format.

Depending on the situation where one of the genetic makeup of the individual and his psychological state, capacities and circumstances of family and social life. It holds a preparation in life (biology) to infection with this disorder or that (even if schizophrenia) may not show symptoms unless it Znadeh trigger stressful life events ... And confirm the theoretical "organic - psychological - social," the importance of a combination of factors together in the emergence of most mental disorders, and behind the weight of each factor and its impact on each individual case and in some disorders also compared with other disorders .. Perhaps it is better to understand the disorder severe post-traumatic refer to this comprehensive view of man in addition to the depth in each theory separately, enabling him to enrich the diverse research and adds to our understanding of this mental disorder and others, also opens the way for research in prevention and in providing help and proper treatment


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