When we speak, we often abbreviate words. We also shorten words when we write text messages (SMS). Here's a handy guide to some of the more common abbreviations.


gonna = is / am going to (do something)
"I'm gonna call him now."

wanna = want to
"I wanna speak to you."

gotta = has / have got to (or have got)
"I gotta go!"

innit = isn't it
"It's cold, innit?"

ain't = isn't / haven't / hasn't
"He ain't finished yet."
"I ain't seen him today."

ya = you
"Do ya now what I mean?"

lemme = let me
"Lemme see … tomorrow's a good time."

whadd'ya = what do you …
"Whadd'ya mean, you don't want to watch the game?"

dunno = don't / doesn't know
"I dunno. Whadd'ya think?"

Text messaging abbreviations


2 = to / two
4 = for / four
8 = ate


U = you
C = see
B = be

CU L8r = see you later

msg – message
pls = please
cld = could
gd = good
vgd = very good
abt = about
ths = this
asap = as soon as possible
tks = thanks
txt = text
LOL = lots of love / laugh out loud
x = a kiss!

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