in strict confidence If you say something in strict confidence, you tell it as a secret not to be revealed.
Please don't repeat this.  I'm telling it to you in strict confidence.
strictly business An appointment or event that is entirely devoted to business, with no leisure or relaxation, is called strictly business.
Yes we had lunch together but it was strictly business.
strike a false note If you strike a false note, you do something wrong or inappropriate.
He struck a false note when he arrived at the cocktail party wearing old jeans.
strike gold If you strike gold, you find exactly what you need : satisfaction, wealth, happiness, etc.
I think she struck gold this time in her new job.  It suits her perfectly.
strike home When somebody's comments or remarks strike home, they make you fully understand the situation.
The seriousness of his injuries struck home as he listened to the surgeon.
strike while the iron is hot If you strike while the iron is hot, you act immediately because now is the ideal time to do it.
The price of property has dropped.  It's a good time to buy.  You should strike while the iron is hot.
strike (it) lucky When someone strikes it lucky, they run into good luck.
We had a sunny week in Scotland - we struck it lucky!
strike pay dirt If you strike pay dirt, you are lucky and suddenly find yourself in a successful money-making situation.
Charlie finally struck pay dirt with his latest invention.
strike/hit a raw nerve If something you say strikes or hits a raw nerve, it upsets someone because they are very sensitive about the subject.
You struck a raw nerve when you mentioned divorce. They're separating.
strike the right note If you strike or hit the right note, you say or do something suitable or appropriate.
He struck the right note with his future mother-in-law when he gave her a book on gardening - her favourite hobby!
string someone along If you string someone along, you deliberately mislead them about your intentions.
Bob finally realized that Mary had just been stringing him along; she had no intention of marrying him.
another string to your bow If you have another string to your bow, you have another skill or possible course of action if everything else fails.
As well as her excellent qualifications, she's got another string to her bow to help her find a job.  She speaks fluent Chinese.
no strings attached An offer 'with no strings attached' is an offer made without conditions or restrictions, and requires nothing in return.
I managed to get a loan with no strings attached.
struck dumb If someone is struck dumb, they are unable to speak because they are so surprised, shocked or frightened by something.
The accused was struck dumb when the verdict was announced.
stubborn as a mule If someone is as stubborn as a mule, they are very obstinate and unwilling to listen to reason or change their mind.
His friends advised him to accept the offer, but you know Larry - he's as stubborn as a mule!

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نشرت فى 13 مارس 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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