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lie in If you lie in, you stay in bed after the normal time for getting up.
Great!  Tomorrow I'm not on duty so I can lie in!
lie way  in/out If you obtain something or get out of a situation by telling lies,
you lie your way in or out of it.
He lied his way into a well-paid position.
lie through teeth If you lie through your teeth, you lie openly and brazenly, knowing that what you are saying is completely false.
I saw him breaking the window.  If he denies it, he's lying through his teeth.
white lie If you tell a white lie, you say something which is not true in order to protect someone or to avoid hurting their feelings.
Some parents prefer to tell their children a white lie rather than announce bad news.
risk life and limb If you risk life and limb, you are in danger of death or serious injury.
The roads are icy today;  you'll risk life and limb if you go by car.
life of riley A person who lives the life of Riley has a comfortable and enjoyable life, without having to make much effort.
He married a millionaire, and since then he's been living the life of Riley!
life is just a bowl of cherries This expression means that life is pleasant and uncomplicated.
(This phrase is often used ironically to mean the opposite.)
Now that he's retired, my grandfather says 'life is just a bowl of cherries'.
life and soul of the party The life and soul of the party is the most lively and amusing person present at an event.
I'm so glad we invited Emily. She was the life and soul of the party.
(not) lift a finger Someone who does not lift a finger makes no effort to help or provide assistance when it is needed.
Many people saw the boy falling off his bike but not one of them lifted a finger.
light bulb moment A light bulb moment is when you have a sudden moment of inspiration, comprehension or realization.
Harry had a light-bulb moment when he finally realized what was blocking the mechanism.
light at end of tunnel If you see light at the end of the tunnel, you see signs of hope for the future after a long period of difficulty.
Sales dropped heavily last year but we're beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.
make light work If a person makes light work of something, they do it very easily or with little effort.
After the party, the boys made light work of the cleaning up.  The house was spotless in no time.
light years ahead If someone or something is light years ahead, they are far more advanced in tems of development or progress.
We've got to invest more in research - our competitors are light years ahead!
lights on but no one home This is a humorous way of referring to someone who is lacking intelligence or sanity, or to someone who is simply preoccupied and not paying attention.
Forget about Andy today - the lights are on but no one is home!
see in a new light If you see something in a new light, you view it in a way that makes you change the opinion you had before.
After listening to my colleague, I began to see things in a new light.

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نشرت فى 4 مارس 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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