dead loss Someone or something described as a dead loss is absolutely useless or a complete failure.
When it comes to gardening, my brother is a dead loss.
dead man walking A dead man walking is someone who will inevitably be in great trouble very soon, especially a person who is about to lose their job or position.
Because of the way he handled the recent riots, the minister is a dead man walking.
dead right This is an emphatic way of telling someone that what they are saying is absolutely correct, without doubt.
This is a bad time to leave a job - you're dead right!
dead set against If you are dead set against something, you are strongly opposed to it.
My father wanted a dog, but my mother was dead set against the idea.
dead wood The term dead wood refers to people or things which are no longer considered useful or necessary.
The new manager wants to reduce costs by cutting out the dead wood.
dead to the world A person who is dead to the world is fast asleep.
Don't worry. You won't disturb him. He's dead to the world!
wouldn't be caught dead If someone says that they wouldn't be caught or seen dead in a particular place or doing something, they mean that they would be too ashamed or embarrassed.
My seven-year-old son thinks he's a big boy; he wouldn't be caught dead holding my hand in front of his friends!
deaf ear If you turn a deaf ear to something, you refuse to listen.
Sandy turned a deaf ear to the guide's advice and got lost in the mountains.
raw deal If you say that someone got a raw deal, you think they were treated unfairly or badly.
When Gary lost his job after organizing the merger, he really got.
a raw deal!
deck out If you deck out someone or something, you dress or decorate them in a special way.
Paul decked out his car for the wedding.
deep down If you talk about how someone is, or feels, deep down, you are describing what they are like or what they really feel deep inside, behind the outward appearance.
He appears to be indifferent to his success, but deep down he's very happy.
deep pockets A person or organization who has deep pockets has a lot of money.
Andy's business is not doing well at the moment. He says he needs a friend with deep pockets!
go off the deep end A person who goes off the deep end becomes suddenly very angry or emotional.
He started shouting and throwing things around the office.  He really went off the deep end.
like a deer/rabbit caught in the headlights When you are so surprised that you are momentarily confused or unable to react quickly, you are like a deer (or a rabbit) caught in the headlights.
Surprised by the journalist's question, he was like a deer caught in the headlights.

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