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 Taha HusseinEgypt


Dean of contemporary Arabic literature and a pioneer

of enlightenment,

      Taha Hussein was born in AI-Minya province, Upper Egypt, on November 14th,

      1889 and grew up, the seventh of thirteen children, in a lower

      middle-class family. At a very early age, he contracted a simple eye

      infection and, due to faulty treatment by an unskilled local practitioner,

      was blinded, at the age of three.


      He was placed in a kuttab (a school where children learn Quran and reading

      and writing) and was later sent to Al-Azhar University, where he acquired

      a thorough knowledge of religion and Arabic literature in the traditional

      manner. He felt deep discontent with the narrow thinking and conservatism

      of his tutors.


      In 1908, he learned of the founding of a new, secular university as part

      of a national effort to promote education in Egypt under British

      occupation, and was very keen to enter it. He was blind and poor, but

      overcoming many obstacles, he was accepted in that university. He later

      stated, in Al-Ayyam (The Days) that the doors of knowledge were from that

      day opened wide for him.


      In 1914, he was the first graduate of this university to receive a Ph.D

      with his thesis on the skeptic poet and philosopher Abu-Alalaa



      Again with much trouble, he was sent to study in France on the

      university's educational mission. His blindness caused him continuing

      pains, aggravated by a careless brother, presumably sent to take care of

      him. It was in France that he met his ‘sweet voice’, Suzanne, who came to

      read to him since not all the references needed were available in braille.

      She later became his wife, his mentor, advisor, assistant, mother to his

      children, great love and best friend. He states that since he first heard

      that 'sweet voice', anguish never entered his heart."

      After his death, Suzanne wrote Ma'ak (With You), published in Arabic; a

      touching remembrance of their life together.


      His doctoral dissertation, written in 1917, was on lbn Khaldun, the

      fourteenth century Arab historian, the founder of sociology.

      In 1918 he obtained his second  PhD in Social Philosophy from the

      Sorbonne, Paris.

      In 1919 he received a diploma in post-graduate studies in the Roman Civil

      Code from the same university.

      He was granted honorary doctorates from the universities of Oxford,

      Madrid, and Rome.

      In 1919 he was appointed a professor of history at the Egyptian

      University. He did not confine himself to political and constituational

      history but transferred to his students his knowledge of Greek drama such

      as Sophocles and Aeschylus.


      When he assumed office as Minister of Education in 1950, he managed to put

      his motto, "Education is like water we drink and the air we breath," into


      He succeeded in making all elementary and secondary education.

      Millions of Egyptians owe their literacy to Taha Hussein


      His Work


      The greater part of Taha Hussein’s canon is basically influenced by Greek

      culture. He issued "Selected Pages" from Greek Dramatic poetry (1920),

      "The Athenian System" in 1921, and "Leaders of Thought" in 1925. Thus, the

      link between his Arabic culture with that of Greece was a turning point as


      The first book was an incomplete attempt at an expose of Greek poets and

      their works. The second book was a meticulous translation of one of the

      most important texts of Greek history of civilization. He deals with the

      religious impact on thought in the Middle Ages, then moves on to the

      Modern Ages of multi influences.

      Thus,Taha Hussein was not merely influenced by Greek thought in his

      literary work but also in his books on politics and civilization. The

      books he issued following his return from Paris greatly influenced modern

      Arabic classical literature.

      He waged many battles for enlightenment, the respect of reason and

      thought, and women’s emancipation. The first of these was in 1926 when he

      issued "Pre-Islamic Poetry", which was highly controversial in both

      politically and literary circles. It aroused widescale front page

      arguments in newspapers between supporters and opposers. In self defence

      he argued that he adopted a scientific method of approach in his treatise

      on Pre-Islamic poetry. That method, he said, was adopted by western

      philosopher scientists and men of letters who followed the French

      philosopher Descartes in his reasoning in search of the truth of

      beginning. It rennovated science and philosophy and changed the outlook of

      men of letters and artists in the West.


      Taha Hussein's works can be divided into three categories: scientific

      study of Arabic literature and Islamic history; creative literary works

      with social content combating poverty & ignorance, and political articles.

      The latter he published in the two papers of which he was editor-in-chief,

      after being expelled from his post as professor of Classical Arabic

      literature at the Egyptian University. His expulsion came as a result of

      public reaction to his book 'On Pre-lslamic Poetry'.


      In his novels, he expresses an astounding sensitivity, insight and

      compassion in that age for a person with his background.

      His arguments for justice and equality are supported by deep and honest

      understanding of Islam. Equally remarkable are his sympathy with his

      downtrodden compatriots and his understanding of the deepest emotions and

      thoughts of woman as girl, lover, wife and mother


      His type of literature became an independent form and readers competed in

      it passionately, reading and interpreting, discussing analyses, and

      extracting clear meanings from ambiguous allusions ... Looking at his

      publications, one will find allusions to phenomena that one abhorred and

      could not speak of openly during those dismal days. We preferred ambiguity

      to clarity, symbols and riddles to declaration, allusion and insinuation

      to calling things by their names.


      The government of that era and its controllers would read and not

      understand. Thus, he defeated the oppression of tyrants and escaped the

      censorship of censors and manage to record the injustices of the unjust

      and the corruption of corruptors.


      Taha Hussein, who had to bear the brunt of conservative attacks and

      confront enemies of his reforms, enjoyed affection of his pupils &

      colleagues. During his life time, he was elected member of many

      educational academies in Arab countries, and was honored by many

      international institutions. The American University in Cairo paid no heed

      to Egyptian Premier Isma'il Sidqi, when he warned against offering

      employment to Taha Hussein. Its Ewart Hall, where AUC holds its

      extra-curricular activities, was teeming in the 1930s with listeners eager

      to hear him and to declare him Dean of Arabic Literature.


      President Gamal Abd AI-Nasser bestowed on him the highest Egyptian

      decoration, normally, reserved for heads of state. In 1973, he received

      the United Nations Human Rights Award.


      Taha Husein died in October 1973, immediately after witnessing his

      country's victory in its last war against Israel.

      He died in his home, alone with his "sweet voice"; Suzanne.


      She wrote: "We were together, alone, close to an extent beyond

      description. I was not crying - the tears came later. Each of us was

      before the other; unknown & united as we had been at the beginning of our

      journey. In this last unity, in the midst of this very close familiarity,

      I talked to him, kissing that forehead that was so noble and handsome, on

      which age and pain had not succeeded to carve any wrinkles, and no

      adversity had managed to cause to frown - a forehead that still emanated


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Essam yahia Ahmed الهم ارزقنا علمنا نافع واعنا على زكرك وحسن عبادتك ولا تأخذنا ان نسينا اواخظأنا

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25 تصويتات / 440 مشاهدة

عصام يحى احمد هندى -Essam yahia Ahmed Hendy

رَبِّ أَوْزِعْنِي أَنْ أَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ الَّتِي أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَى وَالِدَيَّ وَأَنْ أَعْمَلَ صَالِحًا تَرْضَاهُ وَأَصْلِحْ لِي فِي ذُرِّيَّتِي إِنِّي تُبْتُ إِلَيْكَ وَإِنِّي مِنْ الْمُسْلِمِينَ [email protected] تم استبدال e-mail باخر لوجد عطل فى e-mail القديم نأسف لذالك Tele:0127152370 »

البحث فى الموقع

تسجيل الدخول

عدد زيارات الموقع


step to future

بحبــك يامـصـر


if you are happy


alphabet song

وطنى (هاجر وهيام )

 الصف الاول الاعدادى


رساله الى صلاح الدين

للشاعر :فاروق جويده



كانت لنا يوما هنا اوطان ...وطن بلون الصبح كان

وطن أضاء الكون عمرا بالسماحة ..والهداية .. والأمان

وطن تطوف عليه مكة كعبة الدنيا وبيت الحق .. والإيمان

وطن عنيد أيقظ الدنيا وعلمها طريق المجد


وطن على أرجائه الخضراء هل الوحى

فى التوراة ..والأنجيل ..والقرآن

فنون الحرب علمها البيان

وطن بلون الصبح كان

وطن كبير انت فى عينى هزيل فى ظلام السجن والسجان

وطن عريق انت فى عينى

أراك الان اطلالا بلا اسم بلا رسم بلا عنوان

من علم الاسد الأبى بأن ينكس رأسه ويهادن الجرذان

من علم القلب التقى بأن يبيع صلاته ويعود للأوثان

يا سيدى فلأعترف أن الجواد الجامح  المجنون قد خسر الرهان

وبأن اشباه الرجال تحكموا وبان هذا العصر للغلمان

يا سيدى فلأعترف أن الفراشات الجميلة لن تقاوم خسة الثعبان

ان الاسود تموت حزنا عندما تتحكم الفئران

أن السماسرة الكبار توحشوا باعوا الشعوب وأجهضوا الأوطان

ولأعترف يا سيدى انى وفيت وان غيرى خان

غنيت للقدس الحبيبة أعذب الالحان

وأنساب فوق ربوعها شعرى يطوف على المآذن والكنائس والجنان

القدس ترسم وجه طه والملائك حوله والكون يتلو سوره الرحمن

القدس تبدو فى ثياب الحزن قنديلا بلا ضوء بلا نبض بلا الوان

تبكى كثيرا كلما حانت صلاة الفجر

وانطفأت عيون الصبح وانطلق المؤذن بالأذان

القدس تسأل: كيف صار الابن سمسارا وباع الام فى سوق الهوان بأرخص الأثمان

صوت المآذن والكنائس لم يزل فى القدس يرفع رايه العصيان

الله اكبر منك يا زمن الهوان

الله اكبر منك يا زمن الهوان

الله اكبر منك يا زمن الهوان  

المصدر: الاستاذة هناء بمدرسة طه حسين الابتدائية امبابة جيزة



دعنى وجرحى فقد خابت أمانينا

هل من زمان يعيد النبض يحينا

يا ساقى الحزن لا تعجب ففى وطنى

تهر من الحزن يجرى فى روابينا

كم من زمان كئيب الوجه فرقنا

واليوم عدنا ونفس الجرح يدمينا

جرحى عميق خدعنا فى المداوينا

لا الجرح يشفى ولا الشكوى تعزينا

كان الدواء سموما فى ضمائرنا

فكيف جئنا بداء كى يداوينا

هل من طبيب يداوى جرح امته؟

هل من أمام لدرب الحق يهدينا؟

أين الامام رسول الله يجمعنا؟

فاليأس والحزن كالبركان يلقينا

دين من النور بين الخلق جمعنا

ودين طه ورب الناس يغنينا

يا جامع الناس حول الحق قد وهنت

فينا المروءة اعيتنا مأسينا

بيروت فى اليم ماتت قدسنا انتحرت

ونحن فى العار نسقى وحلنا طينا

بغداد تبكى وطهران يحاصرها بحر

من الدم بات الان يسقينا

هذى دمانا رسول الله تغرقنا

هل من زمان بنور العدل يحمينا

مالى أرى الخوف فين ساكنا ابدا

ممن نخاف؟! ألم نعرف اعادينا؟

أعداؤنا من أضاعوا السيف من يدنا

وأودعونا سجون اليل تطوينا

هل من زمان يعيد السيف مشتعلا؟

لا شئ والله غير السيف يبقينا

يا خالد السيف لا تعجب... ففى زمنى

باعوا المأذن والقرآن راضينا

قم من ترابك يا ابن العاص ..

 فى دمنا ثأر طويل لهيب العار يكوينا

قم يا بلال وأذن صمتنا عدم

كل الذى كان طهرا لم يعد فينا

ما زال فى العين طيف القدس يجمعنا

لا الحلم مات ولا الأحزان تنسينا

لا القدس عادت ولا احلامنا هدأت

وقد نموت وتحيينا أمانينا


المصدر: الاستاذة هناء بمدرسة طه حسين


 تكريم المدرسين المتفوقين

 علميا وتكنولوجيا على مستوى الجيزة حضر الحفل

وزير التربية والتعليم أ.د . احمد زكى بدر

والمهندس سيد عبد العزيز

 محافظ الجيزة.

وزير التربية والتعلي أ.د. احمد ذكى بدر

ومحافظ الجيزة المهندس

سيد عبد العزيز ووكيل الوزارة

ومديرعام ادارة شمال الجيزة

الاستاذ محمود خطاب


المقطع الاول

المقطع الثانى


 الجزء الثالث المدرسين المتفوقين الجيزة

مدير إدارة شمال الجيزة التعليمية

الاستاذ محمود خطاب 



رَبِّ أَوْزِعْنِي أَنْ أَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ الَّتِي أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَى وَالِدَيَّ وَأَنْ أَعْمَلَ صَالِحًا تَرْضَاهُ وَأَصْلِحْ لِي فِي ذُرِّيَّتِي إِنِّي تُبْتُ إِلَيْكَ وَإِنِّي مِنْ الْمُسْلِمِينَ 


بــحبــك  يـــا مـــصـــر

بلادي بــلادي بلادي  لــك حبـي وفــؤادي

مصـر يا أم البلاد  انـت غايتي والمراد

وعلى كل العبــاد  كم لنيلك من أيـادي

بلادي بــلادي بلادي لــك حبـي وفــؤادي

مصر انت أغلى درة  فــوق جبين الدهـر غرة

يا بلادي عيشي حرة واسلـمي رغـم الأعــادي

بلادي بــلادي بلادي لــك حبـي وفــؤادي

مصر يا أرض النعيم سدت بالمـجد القديم

مقصدي دفع الغريم وعلى الله إعتمـادي

بلادي بــلادي بلادي  لــك حبـي وفــؤادي

مصر أولادك كــرام أوفياء يرعـوا الزمـام

نحن حرب وسلام وفداكي يا بلادي

بلادي بــلادي بلادي لــك حبـي وفــؤادي

 ابـن النـيـل


للشاعر/حافظ ابراهيم

أهــلاً بنـابتة البـلاد ومرحبـــاً     

                 جــددتم العــهد الـذى قـد أخـلقـا

لاتيـأسوا أن تســتردوا مجـدكــم   

                  فلـربـا مغلـوبٍ هـوى ثـم أرتـقى

فتـجشموا للمـجد كـل عظـيمةٍ    

                   أنــى رأيت المـجد صـعب المـرتـقى

عـار على ابـن النـيل سباق الـورى 

               مهــما تقـلب دهـره أن يســبقا

فتـعلموا فـالعـلم مفتـاح العـلا   

                  لـم يبـق بـابـاً للسـعادة مـغـلـقاً 

ثـم استـمدوا منـه كـل قـواكـم     

               إن الـقـوى بـكـل أرض يتــقـى


قواعد اللغة الانجليزية للكبار والصغار 

شرح وافى لقواعد اللغة الانجليزية


قواعد الإنجليزية



  مشروع المدرسة التكنولوجية

(جمعية تطوير 100مدرسة)

محافظة الجيزة

school Teach

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 المقطع الاول

المقطع  الثانى

جمعية تطوير 100مدرسة مصرية

شكر خاص لكل القائمين على هذ العمل من كل مدرسين شمال الجيزة التعليمية

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