The present study aims to investigate The Effectiveness of Reciprocal Teaching in Developing Cognitive Structure , Decision- Making " for Technical secondary school  Female students "

The researcher adapt the descriptive and quasi-experimental approaches two unites of  " Equipment course" was designed in light of procedures of  Reciprocal Teaching Also, a cognitive structure scale using the hierarchical  tree representation and an observation scheme was prepared.


The study to detect the effectiveness of strategic reciprocal teaching in the infrastructure development of knowledge, as well as the effectiveness of the strategy of reciprocal teaching in the development of decision-making capacity , the female students of technical secondary , also resulted in findings of the study on the effectiveness of the use of strategic reciprocal teaching in the infrastructure development of knowledge at the level of significance ( 0.01), and effective use of strategic reciprocal teaching in the development of decision-making power at the level of significance (0.01) of the female students sample from the second row artistic material equipment , as shown by the presence of a significant impact and a very strong variable processing faculty represented in the strategy of reciprocal teaching in the development of the study variables of all, and that the greatest impact was to influence the development of cognitive structure and decision - making skills .

     In light of the results has been recommended the importance of owning students for decision-making skills , and attention to training teachers on the use and development of methods of teaching a new line with scientific and technological progress the incident, and not only on the traditional methods of teaching material ( lecture, demonstration ) and the emphasis on the use of strategic reciprocal teaching what her great impact in the infrastructure development of cognitive and decision-making have the students and the competitiveness and cooperation among themselves, thereby increasing their participation and Aijaathen and their ability to develop and innovate new ideas in learning and skills development, benefit from the knowledge and skills formed to have and use them in new situations

المصدر: المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الثاني- العربي السادس عشر للاقتصاد المنزلي في خدمة الصناعة .كلية الاقتصاد المنزلي جامعة المنوفية في الفترة من 10 - 11سبتمر 2013 م.(مشاركة)
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نشرت فى 25 يناير 2023 بواسطة drnesriennasr

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