The Teaching Standards Movement and Current
Teaching Practices
Clive Beck
Doug Hart
Clare Kosnik
In contrast to curriculum standards initiatives, the teaching standards movement advocates
a broad teaching approach that includes teaching for understanding, skills development in
context, collaborative activities, and diversity of content and method. Using this
conceptualization to analyze teachers’ responses to a survey, we found that their practices
reflected the teaching standards approach. In discussing our findings, we note that an
awareness of teachers’ current achievements might reduce negative views of the
profession, and that teachers need support to continue to develop in the teaching standards
Keywords: , school renewal, literacy teaching, mathematics teaching
المصدر: CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION 27, 2 & 3 (2002): 175–194
التحميلات المرفقة
نشرت فى 6 إبريل 2011
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