The Crystal Red Shrimp is not as difficult of a species to breed like some believe. Like all hobby shrimp, the Crystal Red Shrimp can breed just as readily as most other Caridina species. It will also produce just as many offspring given that the water is clean and the parameters are suited for this species. For more information on the reproduction cycle of freshwater aquarium shrimp please read the article Shrimp Reproduction.

The babies of the Crystal Red Shrimp are colored just like their parents just after hatching. However, the grading of the offspring cannot be performed until they grow more. You will see the red/white coloration in the Crystal Red Shrimp Offspring but not any detailed features/patterns which can differentiate between grades.

Unfortunately the Crystal Red Shrimp is a severely inbred species. Obtaining higher grades means that breeders will produce offspring from the same genetic strain. Due to the overbreeding the Crystal Red Shrimp can be more delicate and succeptable to diseases as well as slight changes in water conditions as mentioned in the water parameters section. This is why it is recommended that you gain experience in shrimp keeping first. Photo of a baby Crystal Red Shrimp below

Prepared By : Nesma Mohammed

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