In early 2013, a group of 22 highly motivated agricultural practitioners from all over Sudan gathered in the city of Khartoum for a week of training on documentation and communication. Some of them were extensionists, some worked on monitoring and evaluation and others were project coordinators. There were those with a love of drawing, while others had photographic skills and many of them turned out to have a hidden talent for acting<!--Edited by Janneke Bruil, Leonardo van den Berg and Laura Eggens
ILEIA, Centre for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture
Wageningen, the Netherlands
In cooperation with
KariaNet, the Network for Knowledge Access in Rural Interconnected
Areas in the Middle East and North Africa
More information about IFAD supported initiatives in Sudan can be found at
نشرت فى 1 مايو 2014
بواسطة botana
هيئة تنمية البطانة
هيئة تعمل فى مجال مشروعات التنمية الريفية المتكاملة - غايتها تحسين سبل المعيشة للأسر الريفية الفقيرة تحسيناً مستداماً ، ورفع قدرتها على مقاومة الجفاف . »
تسجيل الدخول
عدد زيارات الموقع
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