Developmental times and reproduction rates of the date palm dust mite Oligonychus afrasiatlczs (McG.) were studied on three different date pahn tree parts (i.e. kamry fruit stage (characterized by the green colour offruits), yellow khelal stage and inner frond) of Khalas variety at laboratory conditions of 15, 25 & 35 + 2'C;30 &70 + 5% R.H. and 16:8 L:D. The mite faited to develop at 15oC. Immatures developmental time was fastest on kamry stage (10.60 days)

followed by yellow khelal (12.35 days) then inner fronds (12.71 days). Adult female longevity averaged 15.08, 14.62

and 13.83 days on kamry and khelal yellow stages and inner frond, respectively. The shortest generation time was 9.5,11.32 and 16.04 days at 35"C & 30% R.H., while the longest was 22.74,26.74 and 26.68 days al25"C & 70% R.H. on kamry, yellow khelal stage and inner frond; respectively. Sex ratio was affected by temperature as proportion of females increased with temperature increase.

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0 تصويتات / 137 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 26 ديسمبر 2015 بواسطة ashraf1974

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Ashraf said hagag el-halawany

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