اﻻستاذ الدكتور / أحمد محمد فراج قاسم


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The economic efficiency of broiler chicken production farms

                 (Case study of Amiriya farms in Alexandria)

    Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Farag Kassem  <!--

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<!--Dr. Aml Ahmed Fouad Gamilah                               Researcher

Agricultural Economics Research Institute



        Given the significance of the broilers, as well as economic importance of the resources used in this sector and are subjected to numerous problems the research aimed to analyze and measure the economic efficiency of farms producing broilers Ameriya zone in the governorate of Alexandria, and to reach this goal adopted the research method of economic analysis, descriptive and quantitative method of Data Envelopment analysis (DEA) to measure the efficiency of chicken broiler, so depending on the data field of a random sample of chicken broiler Ameriya zone and with a strength of 50 farms were selected at random are given to each farm an equal opportunity to appear in the sample, in addition to the use of some secondary data, references and scientific studies and research specialized in this area.

        The research results as follows: (1) All of the farms producing broilers sample efficient use of economic resources based on indicators of economic efficiency associated with the production of broilers, which were estimated as a farmer capacity third (10000 chick over) came first, followed by the capacity of the second (5000 - less than 10000 chick) and the third (less than 5000 chick), respectively. (2) Was farming broilers a sample study of annual losses in production estimated at 257.32 thousand tons, cash value estimated at 2.37 million pounds, in addition to the possibility of reducing the production costs of the farms around 3.94 million pounds annually, while maintaining the same level of production, based on the efficiency measures adopted by the search. (3) Was farming broilers Ameriya zone for annual losses in production of between 624.10 - 646.22 thousand tons, the value of cash ranging from 5.74 - 5.94 million pounds, in addition to the possibility of reducing the production costs of the farms of between 9.55 - 9.88 million annually, while maintaining on the same level of production, based on the efficiency measures adopted by the research, estimated confidence interval for each of the quantity of production and the total overall costs to the farmer by the different capacities, the ratio of the number of farms productive capacity of each area of Amiriya.

        The research recommends the need to: (1) Encourage farmers to increase the capacities productivity capacity homosexual in order to raise efficiency of resource use to the maximum extent possible (2) Activating the role of agricultural extension to the transfer of research recommendations to producers, farmers producing chicken to raise the technical efficiency of them (3) Pay attention to the productive resources used in the manufacture of chicken broiler for redistribution to achieve the efficiency distribution to be used (4) The establishment of consortia from the producers of broilers to enable them to purchase inputs and sell their products at reasonable prices so as to reduce production costs and marketing and then increase the profits of producers.

المصدر: journal of the Arab agricultural association (A. E. A. A). volume2, no. 2, august 2010
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اﻻستاذ الد كتور / أحمد محمد فراج قاسم

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