أ.م.د. أياد هاني العلاف

قسم البستنة وهندسة الحدائق

كلية الزراعة والغابات / جامعة الموصل / العراق

Clean agriculture is defined as a method of agricultural production that avoids the use of chemicals, especially fertilizers and pesticides, and on this basis, this agriculture, including organic, has a positive impact because it depends on available natural resources, which in turn reduces environmental pollution resulting from the use of chemical fertilizers and improving the environment And food security, and organic fertilizers of various types are an important and essential source of the elements needed by the larger and smaller plants as well as its very important role in improving the physical, chemical and biological soil properties, and in recent times. The importance of using liquid organic fertilizers has emerged as one of the most important clean alternatives to the nutrients needed for fruit seedlings, because it contains some organic acids such as humic and fulvic acids and amino acids and other substances that are cheap and easy to use and low pollution to the environment and agricultural products and their contribution to improving physical, chemical and biological characteristics soil, which is reflected positively in the growth and production of different plants.

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أ.د. أياد هاني العلاف

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0 تصويتات / 288 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 2 إبريل 2020 بواسطة alalaf

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اياد هاني اسماعيل العلاف

استاذ مساعد قسم البستنة وهندسة الحدائق / كلية الزراعة والغابات / جامعة الموصل / العراق »


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